P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058


For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13).

 Salvation comes only by faith in Jesus that He is the Son of God, and through His death and resurrection, we’re reconciled to the Father. Nothing we can do will earn our righteousness, but we accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Many have accepted Jesus as their Savior, but they haven’t accepted Him as their Lord.  As a Savior, He will protect, heal, deliver, and  provide, but as Lord, He becomes the owner of the individual. The individual becomes submissive to the Lord, spirit, soul, mind and body. Jesus came to do more than to save us from our problems, He came to reconcile us to the Father, setting us apart for Himself. There is a teaching “Saved” always saved, but it’s not biblical. Yes, Jesus will always protect, provide, heal, and deliver for those who believe He is the Son of God as well as those who deny that He’s the Son of God and those who reject His existences. Salvation with sanctification is when the individual has accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord, in other words, they have became born-again according to the instructions Jesus gave the disciples (Jesus answered, verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God-John 3:5). Our spirit must become one with His Spirit in order to submit ourselves willingly to the Word of God.

God loves everyone, there isn’t a sin a person can commit and God would not love the individual; He hates the sin, but He loves the individual, the same thing goes with save, but it will come a time the individual must answer to God for their rejection of the Word of God. When we disobey the Word of God, we’re rejecting His Word. People think because God loves them and blesses them they can live according to their will and not be submissive to the Word of God. Salvation with sanctification the individual follows the instructions God has given in His written Word.  Saying we believe in God and His Son, but reject His Word willingly causes us to be in disobedience and disobedience can cause us to miss heaven and enter into hell, this is why the children of Israel couldn’t enter into the promised land because of their disobedience. Our promise land is heaven, and we must be obedient to the Word of God and the Spirit of God to enter in.

Jesus didn’t die so we could continue to live in sin, He came so that He could deliver His people from their sin. In order to know what is a sin to God, we must take time and read His Word and have a willingness to obey His Word. If there is a willingness in our heart, God will enable us to submit to His Word. God holds every individual accountable for their knowledge of Him. He left us His Word so that we would have knowledge of His likes and dislikes. What we need to know about God is in His Word; how to please Him, is in His Word, how to enter into hell is in His Word, how to enter to heaven is in His Word.

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