P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

The Process

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it – 1st Thessalonians 5:23-24.

As Christians, we can’t avoid all evil because we live in a sinful world, but because we aren’t of this world, as we become the children of God, He has given us the power to overcome the world and the practice of sins.The reason why many Christians fall into temptation is that they don’t try to avoid temptation. Each of us knows our weakness, and when we may fall prey to an action.  We shouldn’t put ourselves in situations to be tempted. We can’t toy with temptation neither can we deny we can’t be tempted in certain areas and actions. God has called everyone whose professing to be a Christian to present their spirit, soul, and body holy to Him in the beauty of holiness. God hasn’t given us instruction in doing this and hasn’t given us the power to do so. Attending Sunday worship services and then to reject the teaching is rebellion.

When Jesus returns, He’s coming to get those that have presented themselves to the Father in holiness. He’s not concerned about how many times we attend church, but more concerned about how many times we submitted ourselves to the instructions of the Father. Sometimes the word holiness makes people draw back from Christianity or convince themselves God doesn’t want me to live this way or that way. We’re not living under the law as Abraham and Moses were, but the Word of God is His law and His principals never change.

Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to preach the word (I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick (living) and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom – 2nd Timothy 4:1). When the Word of God is taught according to the Bible, those who have not given themselves completely don’t want to hear or follow the instructions of the Bible. Many will listen to prosperity teaching, how to get a spouse, or how to succeed. There is nothing wrong with that, but none of this will matter if we succeed in this world and fail to enter into the kingdom of God.

As Christians, we will go through trials and tribulations, this is a process of making us into the image of God, it’s a process of elimination. Eliminating the things of the secular world in our thinking and behavior and replacing them with the righteousness of God. It’s a process to grow in grace and the Fruit of the Spirit to be manifested in our lives. It doesn’t come with walking through a bed of roses, every day will not feel like a holiday. There will be times we will want to give up, times we may wonder why I’m I going through this and when will it end. Hold on and allow God to take you through the process of elimination. He’s preparing you for the coming of His Son.

The closer of the coming of Jesus the more people are rejecting the Word of God. They want to live according to their desires rather than the instructions God has given every believer to live by. One can’t follow the instructions if they don’t read the instructions, but by not knowing them will not keep them from the wrath of God because He has given us His written instructions and its the duty of every professing Christian to familiarize themselves with the Word of God.

If one knows the Word of God then they will not be in despair when trouble comes or different situations and circumstances arrive. God is preparing His people for the coming of His Son, He allows trouble to come, He allows difficulties to come to draw us closer to Him by prayer and supplications, fasting, reading and studying His Word as well as submitting to His Word. Trials and tribulations is a process that every professing Christian will go through to eliminate the sin in our spirit, soul, and body. Don’t fight against the process, welcome the process to make you into the image of the Father and Son.

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