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Pursuing God In The Time of Pressure

But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land wherein he went, and his seed shall possess it – Numbers 14:24.

To pursue is to follow or chase. To follow is to come or go after, to comply with; obey. To chase is to follow rapidly in order to catch. Pursue is something we all have done at one time or another.

We pursue higher education, a career, a better quality of life, losing weight, gaining weight. Looking younger as well as pursuing a spouse. All these things we will pursue until we reach our goal. We don’t care how long it may take or how difficult the task may be. We will pursue until we have accomplished what we were after.

The same tenacity we use to pursue natural things, we must also use to pursue the things of God. If we pursue God first, all the other things we’re seeking will be given to us. That’s if the things we’re seeking is not against God’s written instructions. Many times, as long as things are going well, we pray, fast, and read the Word of God, but when pressure and tribulation come we begin to stop praying and fasting. When we’re under attack that’s when we need to pursue God. Strength comes with the struggle. When under pressure that’s when we need to build our faith through praying in the Holy Spirit (But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost – Jue V.20).

In our Christian walk there will be times when the enemy comes in like a flood, but the Word of God promises when the enemy comes in like a flood the Holy Spirit will life up a standard for us. We don’t have to fear what the enemy will try to do as long as we’re in the Lord, and the Lord is in us. The Spirit of the Living God will defeat the plan and schemes of Satan, because the Lord is on the side of His people.

If we never go through anything, God will never have to show Himself strong on our behalf. How can we know Him as a mind regulator if our minds have never been confused? How can we say, He’s a heart fixer, if our hearts have never been broken? How can we say He’s a healer, if we have never been sick? How can we say He’s a deliverer if we have never needed to be delivered from our enemies and our foes? How can we say He will supply our needs if we have never needed anything? Everything we need God can supply the need when we place our faith in Him and not what we’re seeing, hearing and feeling.

When trials and difficulties come this is not the time to stop praying and fasting, a matter of fact this is when we should be bombarding heaven, staying before the Father for directions, wisdom, and spiritual strength. Pursuing God is when we can still sing a song of praise when we smell the smoke of the furnace of trials and tribulations in our lives. Satan wants to stop your spiritual growth and he will do anything and use anybody to get the job done. Don’t focus on Satan, but keep your focus on God and the promises of the Father. God’s promises are true, they will not return to Him void. What He has spoken it shall come into manifestation.

Pursuing God is when we can still encourage others although we may feel the need for someone encouraging us. When we minister to others about the goodness and faithfulness of God, it will bless them and encourage us as well. Pursuing God is continually feeding yourself with the Word of God by reading the Word, listening to the Word. Pursuing God is smiling when you don’t feel like smiling, giving when you don’t feel like giving. Praising Him when you don’t feel like praising. Being a blessing to others when you don’t feel like being a blessing. Pursuing God is having a meek and quiet spirit when your adversaries are boasting. Pursuing God is when your adversaries are coming against you, but you don’t try to avenge yourself but allowing God to perform His Word “Vengeance is Mine” (Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is Mine; I will Repay, saith the Lord – Romans 12:19).

Pursuing God is feeding people spiritually and naturally when you know they have talked about you, lied on you and tried to discredit your reputation. Pursuing God is looking and listening to programs that will edify your spirit. Pursuing God is telling the truth when you could lie. Confessing your sin to those that will fast and pray for you and not talk about you. Pursuing God is telling those you hurt, you’re sorry and ask for their forgiveness.

Pursuing God is not allowing your ears to be a garbage dump where people can come and dump gossip and backbiting. Pursuing God is rejoicing with those that are rejoicing and crying with those that are hurting. Pursuing God is wanting and desiring to be a blessing to others, caring, and concerned about others.

Know that God will never allow you to through a door of adversity without giving you the Grace to sustain you while you’re in the test. God allows trials tribulations to come not to hurt or harm us, but to equip us to be warriors. We’re in the army of the Lord and we have to fight like a soldier, putting on the whole armor of God. The same anointing that was on the Apostle is for the body of Christ today. There wasn’t a different Holy Spirit operating in them. In order to receive that anointing, we must pursue God as they did to be empowered to set the captive free.

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