The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; but the earth hath He given to the children of men – Psalm 115:16
When God created the earth it was void and without form, but He spoke and nothing became something. God created man, and gave him to rule over the earth, what’s in the earth must come subject to man when he or she is living and walking in the dominion God has given them.
The government can’t solve the problems that’s going on in the world, but prayer can. Some say we need more than prayer, but prayer is what leads to actions being made when people begin to pray and wait on God’s instructions. It’s God that can get into the minds and hearts of people and change them; nothing or no one else can do that, but God. The problems that are in the world was man created, and it’s going to take man to destroy the evil that’s been created and that’s only done by prayer.
God gave earth to man to rule and to dominate, and in order for it to be governed correctly, the heart of man must be changed, to reverence God, to depend on God and to receive instructions from God. This is why the Bible has instructed us to pray for those who has authority over us (For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty – 1st Timothy 2:2). When we begin to pray consistently, we will begin to change, our neighborhoods will change, government will change, addictions will be destroyed, gangs will be dissembled, marriages will be reconciled, disobedient children will submit to the authority of their parents. Changes come by prayer and God answering the prayers.
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Last Updated: November 1, 2015 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s; but the earth hath He given to the children of men – Psalm 115:16
When God created the earth it was void and without form, but He spoke and nothing became something. God created man, and gave him to rule over the earth, what’s in the earth must come subject to man when he or she is living and walking in the dominion God has given them.
The government can’t solve the problems that’s going on in the world, but prayer can. Some say we need more than prayer, but prayer is what leads to actions being made when people begin to pray and wait on God’s instructions. It’s God that can get into the minds and hearts of people and change them; nothing or no one else can do that, but God. The problems that are in the world was man created, and it’s going to take man to destroy the evil that’s been created and that’s only done by prayer.
God gave earth to man to rule and to dominate, and in order for it to be governed correctly, the heart of man must be changed, to reverence God, to depend on God and to receive instructions from God. This is why the Bible has instructed us to pray for those who has authority over us (For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty – 1st Timothy 2:2). When we begin to pray consistently, we will begin to change, our neighborhoods will change, government will change, addictions will be destroyed, gangs will be dissembled, marriages will be reconciled, disobedient children will submit to the authority of their parents. Changes come by prayer and God answering the prayers.
Category: Word of the Day Tags: dominion, earth, prayer
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