P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

Bible Study – John Chapter 12 Verses 36 – 42

Bible Study is needed to become aware of what God has done for the sinner to become a Christian through His Son. A Christian must come to the realization of what is required of them as professing Christians,… Read More

Bible Study – John Chapter 12 Verses 26-35

Bible Study is a key component for one to grow spiritually. Every Christian needs Bible Study corporately with other believers as well as personal time for Bible Study. Many professing Christians are living opposite of God’s written Word… Read More

Bible Study – John Chapter 11 Verses 45-57

In order to get acquainted with someone, you must spend time with them. Conversing with them will give you knowledge of what are their likes and dislikes. What they expect from you as being in a relationship with… Read More