I exhort therefore, that, first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men: For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty – 1st Timothy 2:1-2.
Although God is all-powerful and all-knowing, He has chosen to allow us to assist Him change the world through our prayers. Apostle Paul urges the believers to pray for each other and for our leaders. A charge has been given to Christians to pray for all men in general, and particularly for all in authority both naturally and spiritually.
Four different types of prayers are mentioned in this scripture. Supplication are precise requests for specific needs, emphasizes personal needs. Prayers are a general word embracing various kinds of prayer, repentance, confession, adoration, thanksgiving, and so on. Intercession denote prayers to God on behalf of others, approaching with confidence, suggesting free access to God. Giving of thanks, refers to prayers and praise, it’s an attitude of gratitude, the act of praising God for what He has done for us, as well as the prayers that hasn’t been answered, but by faith we know the prayers will be answered, so we give Him praise.
For all men is the first object of prayer, this generic expression for male and female alike can’t be restricted to believers, it also includes non-believers, such as kings and all who are in authority. Those that are in government, policemen, lawyers, judges, as well as our spiritual leaders are in need of prayer, and we as Christians should pray for them daily. The reason why the world is as it is because we as Christians aren’t doing what the Bible has instructed us to do, and that is to pray for ourselves as well as for others.
The sinful nature of this world has separated human beings from God, but God has made us ambassadors for Christ, and we should be reconciling people to God through prayer, fasting, and ministering to the unbeliever. Reconciliation is the act whereby God on the basis of Christ’s death, has eliminated the cause of hostility between Himself and humanity, making possible a complete and maturing fellowship. When we intercede for others, we’re going before God on their behalf, prayer changes people as well as situations and circumstances. This is why we have been instructed to pray. The adversary knows, prayer is our weapon, and he will keep us busy attending to the things of this world rather than taking the time to pray.
God answers prayers, but if we’re not praying for God to intercede on this world’s behalf, this world will continue to progress in sin. We can’t expect to be kept quiet and peaceable unless we keep in all godliness and honesty. It’s our duty as Christians summed up in two words, godliness, that is, the right worshiping of God, and honesty, that is, a good conduct towards all men. These two must go together. Christians are to be people given to much prayer, in our prayers we’re to have a generous concern for others, we are to pray for all men, and to give thanks for all men. Much prayer is also needed for ourselves to live according to scripture, to be an example of our Lord and Savior.
If we want to see a difference in ourselves as well as this world’s conditions and circumstances, begin to pray for those who are in authority, and giving thanks for all people, this will be the will of God, and because we’re praying according to His will, the prayers will be answered.
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Last Updated: July 3, 2016 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Praying for Leaders
I exhort therefore, that, first of all supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men: For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty – 1st Timothy 2:1-2.
Although God is all-powerful and all-knowing, He has chosen to allow us to assist Him change the world through our prayers. Apostle Paul urges the believers to pray for each other and for our leaders. A charge has been given to Christians to pray for all men in general, and particularly for all in authority both naturally and spiritually.
Four different types of prayers are mentioned in this scripture. Supplication are precise requests for specific needs, emphasizes personal needs. Prayers are a general word embracing various kinds of prayer, repentance, confession, adoration, thanksgiving, and so on. Intercession denote prayers to God on behalf of others, approaching with confidence, suggesting free access to God. Giving of thanks, refers to prayers and praise, it’s an attitude of gratitude, the act of praising God for what He has done for us, as well as the prayers that hasn’t been answered, but by faith we know the prayers will be answered, so we give Him praise.
For all men is the first object of prayer, this generic expression for male and female alike can’t be restricted to believers, it also includes non-believers, such as kings and all who are in authority. Those that are in government, policemen, lawyers, judges, as well as our spiritual leaders are in need of prayer, and we as Christians should pray for them daily. The reason why the world is as it is because we as Christians aren’t doing what the Bible has instructed us to do, and that is to pray for ourselves as well as for others.
The sinful nature of this world has separated human beings from God, but God has made us ambassadors for Christ, and we should be reconciling people to God through prayer, fasting, and ministering to the unbeliever. Reconciliation is the act whereby God on the basis of Christ’s death, has eliminated the cause of hostility between Himself and humanity, making possible a complete and maturing fellowship. When we intercede for others, we’re going before God on their behalf, prayer changes people as well as situations and circumstances. This is why we have been instructed to pray. The adversary knows, prayer is our weapon, and he will keep us busy attending to the things of this world rather than taking the time to pray.
God answers prayers, but if we’re not praying for God to intercede on this world’s behalf, this world will continue to progress in sin. We can’t expect to be kept quiet and peaceable unless we keep in all godliness and honesty. It’s our duty as Christians summed up in two words, godliness, that is, the right worshiping of God, and honesty, that is, a good conduct towards all men. These two must go together. Christians are to be people given to much prayer, in our prayers we’re to have a generous concern for others, we are to pray for all men, and to give thanks for all men. Much prayer is also needed for ourselves to live according to scripture, to be an example of our Lord and Savior.
If we want to see a difference in ourselves as well as this world’s conditions and circumstances, begin to pray for those who are in authority, and giving thanks for all people, this will be the will of God, and because we’re praying according to His will, the prayers will be answered.
Category: Inspirational Tags: leaders, prayer, will
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