I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me – Philippians 4:13.
The call of God is His summons upon the life of His creation of man-kind. First, He calls us to repentance, that is the call unto salvation. All Christians are called to complete dedication to God and His word. Thirdly, He calls us into ministry.
The calling of God is for everyone to receive salvation, but He also wants us to mature spiritually. When we first receive salvation, we’re considered as baby Christians. As a baby has to learn how to walk in the natural, so do we as Christians have to learn how to walk or live according to God’s word, and it doesn’t come overnight. God wants us to have an encounter in the Spirit realm, but it’s going to take more than us attending church, there must be a commitment to Him and His word.
Many Christians live and work as if God doesn’t exit. They face challenges head on without invoking God’s wisdom and power. We make decisions without seeking God’s direction to ensure a positive outcome. Our routine of working, paying bills, preparing children for school, returning home for dinner and going to bed, does not include spending time with God. This scenario describes a life of one who does not have a relationship with God.
In order to gain entrance into the spirit realm, we must seek the face of God, and this comes by spending time with Him in prayer, fasting to strengthen our spirit and to take dominion over our flesh which is our human side. We’re a three-fold being, spirit, soul and body and all three must come in subjection to the word of God if we want spiritual growth, and have a relationship with God. We don’t want the Lord to tell us to depart from Him because He doesn’t know us when He return or when we face Him when we die (And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity Matthew 7:23). Iniquity, is being unruly, not adhering to the word of God.
We have corporate prayer and fasting, but we should also have personal prayer and fasting in order to grow spiritually. Fasting is a deliberate and generally prolonged abstention from eating as means of humbling oneself before God. Fasting should always be coupled with prayer and its preparing ourselves to receive divine revelation. When we fast, we should be mindful of what we’re allowing in our spirit. Our spirit is open when we fast, it should be opened to the things of God such as reading and studying His word. Reading books pertaining to spirituality and listening to gospel messages will feed our spirit with information pertaining to God. When we do this, we will grow spiritually and our love for God and communicating with Him will become a part of our life and everything else will become second place.
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Last Updated: August 6, 2016 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Growing Spiritually
I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me – Philippians 4:13.
The call of God is His summons upon the life of His creation of man-kind. First, He calls us to repentance, that is the call unto salvation. All Christians are called to complete dedication to God and His word. Thirdly, He calls us into ministry.
The calling of God is for everyone to receive salvation, but He also wants us to mature spiritually. When we first receive salvation, we’re considered as baby Christians. As a baby has to learn how to walk in the natural, so do we as Christians have to learn how to walk or live according to God’s word, and it doesn’t come overnight. God wants us to have an encounter in the Spirit realm, but it’s going to take more than us attending church, there must be a commitment to Him and His word.
Many Christians live and work as if God doesn’t exit. They face challenges head on without invoking God’s wisdom and power. We make decisions without seeking God’s direction to ensure a positive outcome. Our routine of working, paying bills, preparing children for school, returning home for dinner and going to bed, does not include spending time with God. This scenario describes a life of one who does not have a relationship with God.
In order to gain entrance into the spirit realm, we must seek the face of God, and this comes by spending time with Him in prayer, fasting to strengthen our spirit and to take dominion over our flesh which is our human side. We’re a three-fold being, spirit, soul and body and all three must come in subjection to the word of God if we want spiritual growth, and have a relationship with God. We don’t want the Lord to tell us to depart from Him because He doesn’t know us when He return or when we face Him when we die (And then I will profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity Matthew 7:23). Iniquity, is being unruly, not adhering to the word of God.
We have corporate prayer and fasting, but we should also have personal prayer and fasting in order to grow spiritually. Fasting is a deliberate and generally prolonged abstention from eating as means of humbling oneself before God. Fasting should always be coupled with prayer and its preparing ourselves to receive divine revelation. When we fast, we should be mindful of what we’re allowing in our spirit. Our spirit is open when we fast, it should be opened to the things of God such as reading and studying His word. Reading books pertaining to spirituality and listening to gospel messages will feed our spirit with information pertaining to God. When we do this, we will grow spiritually and our love for God and communicating with Him will become a part of our life and everything else will become second place.
Category: Inspirational Tags: fasting spiritual-growth, prayer
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