P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

The God Who Will Never Leave You

And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible – Jeremiah 15:21

Jeremiah was recommissioned with words similar to those of his original calling. God promise to deliver suggests bringing Jeremiah from danger, bondage and oppression. He would be rescued from danger and wicked men such as Jehoiakim who opposed Jeremiah so vehemently. God promised His presence in time of opposition, persecution, and imprisonment whether it would be physically or mentally.

Jeremiah’s ministry extended more than forty years encompassing much of the reign of the last five kings of Judah. He was contemporary of the prophets Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Ezekiel. His call came in 627 B.C., before the discovery of the law books given to Josiah. King Josiah was one of the kings who submitted himself and the people of his kingdom to the written word of God, but after his death, his son Jehoahaz ruled only three months before he was deposed by the Egyptian Pharaoh Neco and deported to Egypt. Neco installed Jehoiakim, who soon abandoned his father Josiah’s reform.

At the core of Jeremiah’s thoughts was his concern for the relationship between God and mankind. Judah had rebelled against God and violated the terms of the covenant, turning towards the gods of the other nations and concerning themselves with cultic observances. God was to employ Judah’s very enemies as the instrument of punishment, bringing destruction upon His chosen people.

Jeremiah was to be the instrument to provoke them to repent and returned to God. The king as well as the people didn’t like Jeremiah because he was telling them the truth about their behavior and their disconnection from the things and the word of God. They threaten to kill him, he was persecuted, his life was in danger because he was a man of God and he spoke what God had given him to give to his people. God had to reassure Jeremiah that He was with him and He was going to deliver him.

Jeremiah is an example of those who will live godly and will allow God to use them as the instrument to communicate to His people their sins. Don’t think because God will use you as an instrument that people will love you or accept your calling. When people are practicing sin, they don’t want to hear the truth just as it was in Jeremiah’s day. They will say you’re judging them, you will be persecuted, rejected, abandoned, and lonely. Sadly, it’s more people that don’t want to hear the truth than those who want to hear the truth. Our mission is not to offend them by our behavior, but to give them what the Word of God says about their lifestyle.

The Bible has informed the believer those who will live godly will be persecuted (Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution – 2nd Timothy 3:12). Those who want to live godly lives must be prepared for persecution, God does not promise us deliverance from persecution, but deliverance through it. Persecution is one of the means God uses to develop our capacity to reign with Him in His kingdom (Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven – Matthew 5:10). 

Don’t be discouraged when people don’t want to hear the truth, we should speak the word of God and not our ideas, the Word of God can take care of itself. Everyone doesn’t want to hear the Word of God. Pray and be sensitive to the Spirit of God to know who to be a witness. When the Spirit of God gives an unction to minister to someone, He has already prepared their hearts to receive His Word.  When being persecuted, don’t hate or dislike the person or persons it’s coming through. Pray for them, treat them with loving-kindness. Pray and ask God to give you His mercy and grace to go through the persecution. When we live to please the Lord, He has promised He will never leave or forsake us. His Word is true and we can believe it. Persecution is a stepping stone to take us to glory!

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