P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

Allow God to Work in You and Through You

Beloved, now are we the sons (children) of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him: for we shall see Him as He is. And every man (woman) that hath this hope in him (her) even as He is pure – 1st John 3:2-3.

Every born-again Christian should have this hope. Place your faith in God, not what you see, hear or feel. Allow God to work in you and through you for His good pleasure so that all things will work together to bring out the best in your life. Serving God does not mean your life will be a bed of roses. Because you have given your self to God, you have been enrolled as a soldier.A soldier must endure hardship, he or she weathers the storms that come into their life because they know who’s on board their ship. You can’t lose with the Lord on board. The more storms that come into your life the stronger your faith will be; God doesn’t allow storms to come to hurt you but to make you. In reality, when we never go through anything, we get comfortable, our prayer life isn’t what it should be, we don’t fast, but when a strong wind blows our way, we remember how to get in contact with the Father.

You have a spirit, the Spirit man is the real you.  Whether you’re a man or woman you are a spirit being, he or she has a soul and lives in a  physical body. You communicate with God through your spirit, and He communicates to you through your spirit.  Until we become spirit-conscious, we will not be able to understand what God is saying to our spirits. The more spirit-conscious we become, the more real the leading of the Lord will be to us. This is why it is so important to watch what we’re placing in our spirit. Have you ever listening to Christian on a daily basis? If you have taken notice, what you listen to you will hear in your spirit. This goes to whether it’s Christian music or secular music,  what we place in our spirit will produce what type of Christian we will be.

The reason why a lot of professing Christians can’t hear God is because they are placing the wrong thing in their spirit.  They give themselves and their time more to the world than the things of God.  This is why the Christian has been admonished to set their affections on the things of above (If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God – Colossians 3:1-2). Our spirit man needs to be fed just like our physical bodies need to be fed to be healthy. If your spirit man is only being fed on Sunday that’s not enough for your spirit to be healthy and the rest of the week you’re feeding it soap operas, Facebook and Twitter along with feeding it X-rated television programs.

What you feed your spirit is what you will submit to and act out; that’s the reason why many professing Christians can’t submit to God because they are submitted and committed to the things of the secular world. God is in need of people He can use as His agent, He can’t use you if you want to live according to the world’s actions. The world is in need of the Christians to step up and take their positions; we can’t fight Satan if were employed by him part-time. Your family, neighbor, co-worker need you to stand in the gap for them through prayer and fasting to destroy the yokes in their lives. Be the vessel that God can use to destroy the works of Satan. Feed your spirit man with the Word of God, listen to music that exalts God, attend church on a regular basis. Attend Sunday School, Bible Study these are programs set aside so you can learn more about God and your Christian walk with the Lord, this is where you can also ask questions.

Become an Ambassador for Jesus Christ, be a warrior to deliver others in the spirit. Feed your spirit with the Word of God and you will see the real you coming forth, you will see the difference and so will Satan and his co-host. You didn’t receive salvation just to be in the kingdom and not bring others with you.

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