P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

In God We Trust

Trust in Him at all times, ye people, pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge for us. Selah – Psalm 62:8

Our Father, which art in heaven, Hollowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And led us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever, Amen! God of mercy and God of strength, we come before You asking for forgiveness of our sins. Forgive us for placing our trust in people and things, all things and all people belong to You. You’re all powerful, and all knowing and You have our best interest at heart.

Remove all fear in our hearts, because You have not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of sound mind. We pray for Your peace to penetrate our hearts and help us to receive the peace You have given us. Help us to place our trust in You and not what we see, hear or feel. Give us the heart to seek You until we find You moving on our behalf. Father, we ask in Jesus name that You would restore our faith in You and in Your Word. Give us a hunger and thirst for righteousness, a hunger, and thirst to please You. Help us to delight ourselves in Your Word on a daily basis, according to Your Word, he that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled.

We pray for the Fruit of the Spirit and the Gifts of the Spirit would be manifested in us and through us for Your glory. We pray for open doors of opportunity to be given us to minister to Your people the gospel of Jesus Christ. Give us the wisdom to know who to minister to and when. Help us to be led by Your Spirit and not our emotions, word our mouth with Your Words, we pray for Your loving-kindness to be in us towards others, Your mercy to be in us towards others. Help us to see through Your eyes, and help us to love through Your heart. Help us to reflect You and Your Son through our behavior and character.

Help us to intercede on the behalf of others, help us to draw others to You, help us to encourage Your people wherever we are. Help us not to be ashamed or deny our faith to others, help us to minister the Word of God in truth and in doctrine. Help us not to be a stumbling-block to others, we pray for a revival to start in our hearts and spread to others. We pray for Your will to be done in us and through us, for Your glory and for us to be a blessing to others, these prayers we ask in the name of Your dear Son,  Jesus, thank God, Amen!

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