And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not faint – Luke 18:1
One of the easiest areas in which to lose heart as we pray is with our unsaved and religious relatives. Our family members are the ones we mostly always keep in prayer, but they are also the ones most resistant to our evangelistic efforts. Most of us come to the point we stop talking to them about salvation and submission and just pray. Prayer is tough, it’s hard work and it has to be long term without unconditional prayer.
When we see actions that irritate or aggravate us, we tend to ask God to change our relatives’ behavior. The swearing influences our kids and it agagite our spirit. The secular music they listen to makes us wonder if they ever listen to us when we minister to them about true salvation. While praying for unsaved loved ones, we must have patience, the same patience God had with us prior to us accepting His salvation. Stop hammering them with Scriptures, stop making them feel like God doesn’t loved them because they’re practicing sin. Love them unconditionally, pray for them unconditionally and allow God to draw them by His Spirit.
People are drawn by love not aggravation! Let them see God’s love in you towards them. Have a listening ear when they come to you for advice, be patient with them. Let them see and feel your concern for them. Don’t give up on them, this is exactly what Satan wants you to do, if you give up, you will stop praying and fasting for them. When God gives you a word to give them you will ignore it. You will build a wall and a barrier when nothing comes in and nothing goes out.
When the adversary shows you their faults, send up a quick prayer and praise to the Father. You’re not praising God for their sins, but you’re praising Him because His Word has promised, He will hear the prayers of the faithful, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Believe me, God wants them saved more than you do, He gave His Son for their sins so that they can have life. Keep praying, keep believing, have faith in God. Don’t have faith in what you see or hear of them.
Remember someone prayed for you, whether you know it or not, you didn’t just accept salvation on your own, prayer was conducted for you. Someone continued to pray for you until you were drawn by God’s Spirit. Don’t fight with them, don’t argue with them, and don’t send them to hell. Continue to pray for them until you see God making a change in their lives. God wants you to be able to rejoice with your family with worship and praising Him. He see your heart and knows the desire you have for your unsaved loved ones. He will not forsake your prayer, you may not get a chance to see them saved prior to your departure, but they will be saved, because God heard your prayers and His Word will not return to Him void.
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Last Updated: December 8, 2020 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Don’t Give Up On Your Family!
And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not faint – Luke 18:1
One of the easiest areas in which to lose heart as we pray is with our unsaved and religious relatives. Our family members are the ones we mostly always keep in prayer, but they are also the ones most resistant to our evangelistic efforts. Most of us come to the point we stop talking to them about salvation and submission and just pray. Prayer is tough, it’s hard work and it has to be long term without unconditional prayer.
When we see actions that irritate or aggravate us, we tend to ask God to change our relatives’ behavior. The swearing influences our kids and it agagite our spirit. The secular music they listen to makes us wonder if they ever listen to us when we minister to them about true salvation. While praying for unsaved loved ones, we must have patience, the same patience God had with us prior to us accepting His salvation. Stop hammering them with Scriptures, stop making them feel like God doesn’t loved them because they’re practicing sin. Love them unconditionally, pray for them unconditionally and allow God to draw them by His Spirit.
People are drawn by love not aggravation! Let them see God’s love in you towards them. Have a listening ear when they come to you for advice, be patient with them. Let them see and feel your concern for them. Don’t give up on them, this is exactly what Satan wants you to do, if you give up, you will stop praying and fasting for them. When God gives you a word to give them you will ignore it. You will build a wall and a barrier when nothing comes in and nothing goes out.
When the adversary shows you their faults, send up a quick prayer and praise to the Father. You’re not praising God for their sins, but you’re praising Him because His Word has promised, He will hear the prayers of the faithful, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Believe me, God wants them saved more than you do, He gave His Son for their sins so that they can have life. Keep praying, keep believing, have faith in God. Don’t have faith in what you see or hear of them.
Remember someone prayed for you, whether you know it or not, you didn’t just accept salvation on your own, prayer was conducted for you. Someone continued to pray for you until you were drawn by God’s Spirit. Don’t fight with them, don’t argue with them, and don’t send them to hell. Continue to pray for them until you see God making a change in their lives. God wants you to be able to rejoice with your family with worship and praising Him. He see your heart and knows the desire you have for your unsaved loved ones. He will not forsake your prayer, you may not get a chance to see them saved prior to your departure, but they will be saved, because God heard your prayers and His Word will not return to Him void.
Category: Inspirational Tags: aggravation, believe, drawn, faith, fasting, hammering, love, patience, prayer, unconditional
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