For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also, their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion (share in all that is done) forever in anything that is done under the sun – Ecclesiastes 9:5
Psychic’s, palm readers, tarot card readers make a prosperous living by people coming to them wanting to know the future, wanting to hear from a loved one who has died, but they are opening themselves up to ungodly spirits.
When God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, one of His instructions was for them not to use enchantments or observe times (Ye shall not eat anything with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantment (practice divination), nor observe times (soothsaying) Leviticus 19:26. (Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God – Leviticus 19:31.
What God said then goes for us today. Our deceased love ones can’t come from the dead and talk to us, and if they did, God has instructed us not to seek the dead. We’re spiritual beings living in two worlds, with our physical bodies were on Earth, but the “real us” is a spiritual being, and we can contact the spiritual world through our spirits. If our spirit hasn’t been born of the Spirit of God, we can communicate with demonic spirits. Sadly to say, many Christians are not aware that there are witches and warlocks in this present world, as well as devil worshipers. There is a Satanic bible as well as Satanic worshippers. When we go seeking after the future and deceased love ones, we’re opening our spirits for demonic control and coming from under the protection of God (And the soul (person) that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul and will cut him off from among the people – Leviticus 20:6). Sure, we’re under grace, but God’s Word and His principles never change.
When we have turned from God’s instructions, we need to repent and turn from the things that are making us be disobedient from the principles of God. As we seek God sincerely, He will forgive our sins, but we’re not to get entangled again with the sins of bondage. Take the time to read the Bible; it’s God’s instructions for us to know our God and His instructions for us. A lot of the sins we get ourselves into could be avoided if we just take time to read and learn the instructions of the Bible. Stop looking for a word or instructions from man, and look to God for your answer. Ask Him for what your seeking; a man can’t contact your loved one, a man can’t tell you your future, only God can, and He will only tell you so much that He wants you to know.
Nothing can be changed or added to what God has planned for your life. If you’re seeing or hearing deceased loved ones, these are demonic spirits, not your loved one. If you’re seeking out people to tell you your future, you’re opening yourself to led by demonic spirits. Spirits are real, there are godly spirits that are under the authority of God, and there are evil spirits under the authority of Satan. Just as God sends His angels to protect and guide those under the authority of God, Satan will send his angels to attack and influenced those that has not submissive to the authority of God.
Satan has influenced so many people that are is not a God or God does not love them. This is his goal to destroy as many as he can, to turn many as he can from the truth of God’s Word. Before the return of Jesus, there will more non-believers than believers. There will be those living a life of hypocrisy than living to the truth of God’s Word and that is as just as bad as being a non-believer. There is life after death, where the spirit never dies, but is aware of its surroundings. Those that have died are not returning back to earth to give messages, they are waiting to rise at the coming of Jesus to eternal life with God or eternal life in hell. We can decide our final destination whether it’s heaven or hell, the choice has been given to each of us.
We have been given an appointed time to die, riches and fame will not stop death. Knowledge and popularity will not escape death. We have to prepare for death the same way we prepare for any other things in our life. Death does give notice, it just comes, will you be ready to meet your Creator without shame or guilt, will you meet Him as a child of God or His adversary?
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Posted: June 30, 2021 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
The Deceased
For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also, their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished; neither have they any more a portion (share in all that is done) forever in anything that is done under the sun – Ecclesiastes 9:5
Psychic’s, palm readers, tarot card readers make a prosperous living by people coming to them wanting to know the future, wanting to hear from a loved one who has died, but they are opening themselves up to ungodly spirits.
When God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, one of His instructions was for them not to use enchantments or observe times (Ye shall not eat anything with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantment (practice divination), nor observe times (soothsaying) Leviticus 19:26. (Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards to be defiled by them: I am the Lord your God – Leviticus 19:31.
What God said then goes for us today. Our deceased love ones can’t come from the dead and talk to us, and if they did, God has instructed us not to seek the dead. We’re spiritual beings living in two worlds, with our physical bodies were on Earth, but the “real us” is a spiritual being, and we can contact the spiritual world through our spirits. If our spirit hasn’t been born of the Spirit of God, we can communicate with demonic spirits. Sadly to say, many Christians are not aware that there are witches and warlocks in this present world, as well as devil worshipers. There is a Satanic bible as well as Satanic worshippers. When we go seeking after the future and deceased love ones, we’re opening our spirits for demonic control and coming from under the protection of God (And the soul (person) that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul and will cut him off from among the people – Leviticus 20:6). Sure, we’re under grace, but God’s Word and His principles never change.
When we have turned from God’s instructions, we need to repent and turn from the things that are making us be disobedient from the principles of God. As we seek God sincerely, He will forgive our sins, but we’re not to get entangled again with the sins of bondage. Take the time to read the Bible; it’s God’s instructions for us to know our God and His instructions for us. A lot of the sins we get ourselves into could be avoided if we just take time to read and learn the instructions of the Bible. Stop looking for a word or instructions from man, and look to God for your answer. Ask Him for what your seeking; a man can’t contact your loved one, a man can’t tell you your future, only God can, and He will only tell you so much that He wants you to know.
Nothing can be changed or added to what God has planned for your life. If you’re seeing or hearing deceased loved ones, these are demonic spirits, not your loved one. If you’re seeking out people to tell you your future, you’re opening yourself to led by demonic spirits. Spirits are real, there are godly spirits that are under the authority of God, and there are evil spirits under the authority of Satan. Just as God sends His angels to protect and guide those under the authority of God, Satan will send his angels to attack and influenced those that has not submissive to the authority of God.
Satan has influenced so many people that are is not a God or God does not love them. This is his goal to destroy as many as he can, to turn many as he can from the truth of God’s Word. Before the return of Jesus, there will more non-believers than believers. There will be those living a life of hypocrisy than living to the truth of God’s Word and that is as just as bad as being a non-believer. There is life after death, where the spirit never dies, but is aware of its surroundings. Those that have died are not returning back to earth to give messages, they are waiting to rise at the coming of Jesus to eternal life with God or eternal life in hell. We can decide our final destination whether it’s heaven or hell, the choice has been given to each of us.
We have been given an appointed time to die, riches and fame will not stop death. Knowledge and popularity will not escape death. We have to prepare for death the same way we prepare for any other things in our life. Death does give notice, it just comes, will you be ready to meet your Creator without shame or guilt, will you meet Him as a child of God or His adversary?
Category: Inspirational Tags: adversary, authority, aware, bible, bondage, child, Christians, deceased, decide, demonic spirits, destination, destroy, devil worshipers, die, future, goal, godly spirits, Instructions, pray, read, repent, reward, submissive, time, wizards
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