But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive (Exodus 1:17).
A midwife helps women in childbirth. Midwives aren’t as popular today as they were in the 20s and 30s. Technology has taken over the midwife’s position, and women understand they don’t have to endure the pain that women used to endure.
One must have the qualifications to be a midwife to bring forth a child. Similarly, one must have the qualifications to birth spiritual babies and bring them from outside Egypt; spiritually speaking the world.
Spiritual babies are birth through, fasting, and praying for the lost; mentoring new converts, and praying and fasting for sisters and brothers who have fallen from grace, and one can only perform the duty of a spiritual wife but by the Spirit of God. This Spirit God that lives within our being gives the Christian agape love to care and be concerned about the soul and spirit of a person.
To birth and to deliver, one must travail to bring forth the baby, and once the baby has been born, there must also be a deliverance from the strongholds that had them in bondage. A spiritual midwife must have submitted themselves to God and His Word.
They aren’t caught up in the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. The midwife must have the Spirit of God living within their beings to come against the wickedness in a person’s spirit as well as against demonic forces that would try to hinder the individual from being free. It’s very few spiritual midwives.
Non-believers as well as some Christians don’t believe in demonic spirits. The Bible teaches about demon spirits. These are angels that were once with God but rebelled and were thrown out of heaven along with Satan. These spirits didn’t die, spirits don’t die, they just go on from generation to generation. This is why the midwives must have discernment to know what type of spirit they are coming against when they are delivering someone from spiritual bondage.
They believe in God, but they don’t believe in demonic spirits. A spiritual midwife doesn’t have an age limit or gender as a secular midwife, God doesn’t have an age limit nor does He define the gender; all he is looking for is someone to yes, use me, Lord. A midwife has separated themselves from the world(Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you (2nd Corinthians 6:17). For some reason, the church has forgotten we’re spiritual beings, the real us is our spirit, and we communicate with other spirits whether they are godly or ungodly with our spirit.
Why do you think you can meet someone, and at the first meeting you feel as though you have known the person for years, it’s because the spirit in you is in agreement with the spirit that’s within them. The Bible teaches us, how can two walk together unless they agree (Can two walk together, except they be agreed – Amos 3:3). God’s Spirit and Satan’s spirit will never agree neither can two that have different spirit.
Christians can have and do have non-believer friends, but they don’t be with them a lot because they have different interests. Christians seek after the things of God, and non-believers seek after the things of the world. So Christians and non-believers spend little time together although they may be friends.
The church is in need of spiritual midwives, individuals who will fast and pray for others to come to the realization they need a Savior, for those that are in church and bound that need to be delivered. Many are in church and bound by spirits that are making them live opposite of what God has instructed His people to live by; in church and on their way to hell if they don’t get deliverance.
Midwives that are in tune with God’s Spirit will hear Him speak to them in their sleep to pray and they will wake up and start praying. So in tune with God’s Spirit when a demonic spirit is manifesting through an individual the midwife will know it’s the demonic spirit and not the individual and will have the power of God to dethrone the spirit.
God needs holy vessels to be used anytime, anywhere, and any place. We cannot be a part of the world and try to cast the spirit of the world out of an individual. Many spiritual babies need to be birth, there are baby Christians who need a midwife to assist them in their spiritual growth. When was the last time you prayed until you began to travail in the spirit?
It’s time the church began to seek the faith that was given to the saints of old and it was by prayer and fasting, separating themselves from things and people that would contaminate their spirit. We’re in a spiritual battle and if the church doesn’t wake up from their slumber many lives will be lost, souls entering into hell because we didn’t want to sacrifice ourselves to see others saved. Come on midwives, come forth!
Midwives walk with new converts until they can stand by themselves. They assist those who have been wounded. They’re willing to fast and pray with someone until the person receives an answer to their prayers. Midwives aren’t looking for a title or a position, they just want to deliver the baby.
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Last Updated: October 10, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
But the midwives feared God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive (Exodus 1:17).
A midwife helps women in childbirth. Midwives aren’t as popular today as they were in the 20s and 30s. Technology has taken over the midwife’s position, and women understand they don’t have to endure the pain that women used to endure.
One must have the qualifications to be a midwife to bring forth a child. Similarly, one must have the qualifications to birth spiritual babies and bring them from outside Egypt; spiritually speaking the world.
Spiritual babies are birth through, fasting, and praying for the lost; mentoring new converts, and praying and fasting for sisters and brothers who have fallen from grace, and one can only perform the duty of a spiritual wife but by the Spirit of God. This Spirit God that lives within our being gives the Christian agape love to care and be concerned about the soul and spirit of a person.
To birth and to deliver, one must travail to bring forth the baby, and once the baby has been born, there must also be a deliverance from the strongholds that had them in bondage. A spiritual midwife must have submitted themselves to God and His Word.
They aren’t caught up in the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. The midwife must have the Spirit of God living within their beings to come against the wickedness in a person’s spirit as well as against demonic forces that would try to hinder the individual from being free. It’s very few spiritual midwives.
Non-believers as well as some Christians don’t believe in demonic spirits. The Bible teaches about demon spirits. These are angels that were once with God but rebelled and were thrown out of heaven along with Satan. These spirits didn’t die, spirits don’t die, they just go on from generation to generation. This is why the midwives must have discernment to know what type of spirit they are coming against when they are delivering someone from spiritual bondage.
They believe in God, but they don’t believe in demonic spirits. A spiritual midwife doesn’t have an age limit or gender as a secular midwife, God doesn’t have an age limit nor does He define the gender; all he is looking for is someone to yes, use me, Lord. A midwife has separated themselves from the world(Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you (2nd Corinthians 6:17). For some reason, the church has forgotten we’re spiritual beings, the real us is our spirit, and we communicate with other spirits whether they are godly or ungodly with our spirit.
Why do you think you can meet someone, and at the first meeting you feel as though you have known the person for years, it’s because the spirit in you is in agreement with the spirit that’s within them. The Bible teaches us, how can two walk together unless they agree (Can two walk together, except they be agreed – Amos 3:3). God’s Spirit and Satan’s spirit will never agree neither can two that have different spirit.
Christians can have and do have non-believer friends, but they don’t be with them a lot because they have different interests. Christians seek after the things of God, and non-believers seek after the things of the world. So Christians and non-believers spend little time together although they may be friends.
The church is in need of spiritual midwives, individuals who will fast and pray for others to come to the realization they need a Savior, for those that are in church and bound that need to be delivered. Many are in church and bound by spirits that are making them live opposite of what God has instructed His people to live by; in church and on their way to hell if they don’t get deliverance.
Midwives that are in tune with God’s Spirit will hear Him speak to them in their sleep to pray and they will wake up and start praying. So in tune with God’s Spirit when a demonic spirit is manifesting through an individual the midwife will know it’s the demonic spirit and not the individual and will have the power of God to dethrone the spirit.
God needs holy vessels to be used anytime, anywhere, and any place. We cannot be a part of the world and try to cast the spirit of the world out of an individual. Many spiritual babies need to be birth, there are baby Christians who need a midwife to assist them in their spiritual growth. When was the last time you prayed until you began to travail in the spirit?
It’s time the church began to seek the faith that was given to the saints of old and it was by prayer and fasting, separating themselves from things and people that would contaminate their spirit. We’re in a spiritual battle and if the church doesn’t wake up from their slumber many lives will be lost, souls entering into hell because we didn’t want to sacrifice ourselves to see others saved. Come on midwives, come forth!
Midwives walk with new converts until they can stand by themselves. They assist those who have been wounded. They’re willing to fast and pray with someone until the person receives an answer to their prayers. Midwives aren’t looking for a title or a position, they just want to deliver the baby.
Category: Inspirational Tags: birth, bondage, deliver, midwives
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