P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058


When Jesus heard it, He saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance – Mark 2:17).

We’re either Christians or sinners there is no in-between. We were born in sin because Adam failed to abstain from eating the forbidden fruit, the fall of the human race from a state of innocence into a condition characterized by sin.

Jesus came to save the lost; we all were lost at one time. It does not matter how good or kind a person may be, if they have not accepted Jesus as their Savior the Bible says they are sinners. There is a difference between a sinner and one who practices sin.

A sinner is one who either denies there is a God or rejects the teaching of the Bible. Practicing sin is one who knows what the Bible instructs not to do but they continue to do it anyway. They continue to ask forgiveness for the same sin – for months and years.

Sinners and those who practice sin will not enter heaven but will enter hell because they rejected salvation and they willingly practice sin. Many professing Christians will not read their Bible, they only accept what the pastor or minister is preaching and teaching, but they have not and will not open the Bible to see if what they are being taught is within scriptures.

God holds every professing Christian responsible for reading and studying His written Word. It does not matter what denomination or nationality one may be. God created all mankind and gave them instructions on how to live a Christian life, Christian means to be Christ-like.

It’s sad when Christians are practicing sin and they don’t think they are sinning because either they aren’t reading their Bibles or they are rejecting the instructions. Many professing Christians haven’t received the baptism of the Holy Spirit because they think it’s for a certain denomination or age group.

Jesus Himself was baptized in the Holy Spirit (And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness – Luke 4:1). Jesus needed the Holy Spirit as He was fulfilling His earthly ministry as a mere man, but yet Divine. He was also giving His followers an example of what they must do.

Jesus did not heal the sick nor cast out one demon before receiving the Holy Spirit. If He needed it, we need it. Baptism of the Holy Spirit is not just speaking in a language we don’t understand, but it’s the empowerment of the Spirit of God living within our beings.

The Holy Spirit opens our understanding of the truth of God’s Word. He’s our comforter, guide, teacher, helper, counselor, sanctifier. He assists us in communicating with the Father and makes us sensitive to the guidance of the Father. He assists us in prayer when we don’t know what to pray for (Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered – Romans 8:26).

It’s the Holy Spirit that assists us in knowing what is acceptable and not acceptable to God when we don’t see it in the Bible. It is He that lets us know we have sinned against God and gives us the unction to ask for forgiveness and repent of our sins.

So many professing Christians are practicing sin and they need to repent. We should be seeking to please the Father and not our desires. Yes, the Father wants us to have nice things, but when we place our affections on the things and not on the One that gave us the things, we become idolaters.

We sin when we look at sinners and look down on them rather than praying for them; gossiping and pointing the finger. Holding on to offenses and unforgiveness. We sin when we know what to do is right but don’t.

We should daily examine ourselves to see if we have sinned against God, and if so, turn from the sin and not be found in the situation again. God wants His people to grow spiritually and produce godly fruit, not attending church Sunday after Sunday and not bearing fruit.

Attending church once a week is not enough for spiritual growth. Attend weekly Bible Study and Sunday School. Sunday School is where we get our basis for living a Christian life. There we can ask questions to further our spiritual growth.

Get acquainted with your Bible, read it, study it, and apply the instructions. The Bible is God talking to us, He wants you to get to know Him, and what is available to you as a Christian. The more we seek after spiritual things the less we will find ourselves having to repent!

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