I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing – John 15:5
We allow habits and patterns to develop in our lives, and many of them aren’t helpful, but harmful. We know the areas in our lives that seems to have more control over us than we have over them.
Every now and then we make promises to ourselves and others that we’re going to change. Sometimes for a week or so, we may change the bad behavior or whatever actions that are harmful to us, but within a month or so, we find ourselves back doing the same things. The reason why is because we’re trying to do it ourselves rather than confessing the sin, repenting, and asking God to give us the strength we need to fulfill the promise we have made to ourselves and others.
God has given every believer power to overcome whatever Satan would try to influence us with. Some things we have gotten ourselves into; Satan didn’t have anything to do with it, but our own ambition and submission to our desires. Self control only lasts for a while, but when we have been filled with the Spirit of God, and we place our trust in the Spirit of God and not ourselves; that’s when we can walk in the victory we so desire. This is why it is so important to receive the Holy Spirit. Salvation brings us into the kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit helps us to submit to the kingdom rules and regulations which will produce the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit.
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Last Updated: July 14, 2015 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Self Control
I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing – John 15:5
We allow habits and patterns to develop in our lives, and many of them aren’t helpful, but harmful. We know the areas in our lives that seems to have more control over us than we have over them.
Every now and then we make promises to ourselves and others that we’re going to change. Sometimes for a week or so, we may change the bad behavior or whatever actions that are harmful to us, but within a month or so, we find ourselves back doing the same things. The reason why is because we’re trying to do it ourselves rather than confessing the sin, repenting, and asking God to give us the strength we need to fulfill the promise we have made to ourselves and others.
God has given every believer power to overcome whatever Satan would try to influence us with. Some things we have gotten ourselves into; Satan didn’t have anything to do with it, but our own ambition and submission to our desires. Self control only lasts for a while, but when we have been filled with the Spirit of God, and we place our trust in the Spirit of God and not ourselves; that’s when we can walk in the victory we so desire. This is why it is so important to receive the Holy Spirit. Salvation brings us into the kingdom of God, the Holy Spirit helps us to submit to the kingdom rules and regulations which will produce the Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit.
Category: Word of the Day Tags: control, self, self-control, spirit, victory, walk
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