Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is in – James 4:17
Sin is anything opposite of God’s instructions for the believer to conform their life by. Many think because they aren’t knowledgeable of the word of God, it will excuse their sin, but according to the word of God, whether we’re knowledgeable or not, we will be held responsible for our sins.
Satan has influenced many, but because of God’s love, he or she will not be punished for their sin. Then it’s those that don’t want to hear about sin because they want to continue in their sins, but God has left His manuscript. God is the author and we’re to publish it through our lifestyle, no matter what we may be going through.
Preaching and teaching of the word of God is to enable those who want to live in heaven with instructions on how to get there. God holds each of us responsible for our sins, and we don’t have excuses for the reason we sinned.
God’s designed for man was to live forever and to reproduce other believers. It’s not God’s desire for anyone to perish, but He has given each of us a way of escape through His Son, and the instructions of His word. If anyone goes to Hell, it wasn’t because God didn’t love them, it was their choice to choose hell over heaven.
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Last Updated: December 14, 2015 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Knowledgeable Sin
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is in – James 4:17
Sin is anything opposite of God’s instructions for the believer to conform their life by. Many think because they aren’t knowledgeable of the word of God, it will excuse their sin, but according to the word of God, whether we’re knowledgeable or not, we will be held responsible for our sins.
Satan has influenced many, but because of God’s love, he or she will not be punished for their sin. Then it’s those that don’t want to hear about sin because they want to continue in their sins, but God has left His manuscript. God is the author and we’re to publish it through our lifestyle, no matter what we may be going through.
Preaching and teaching of the word of God is to enable those who want to live in heaven with instructions on how to get there. God holds each of us responsible for our sins, and we don’t have excuses for the reason we sinned.
God’s designed for man was to live forever and to reproduce other believers. It’s not God’s desire for anyone to perish, but He has given each of us a way of escape through His Son, and the instructions of His word. If anyone goes to Hell, it wasn’t because God didn’t love them, it was their choice to choose hell over heaven.
Category: Word of the Day Tags: choice, choose, hell
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