P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

Trust God

Trust in Him at all times; ye people; pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us – Psalm 62:8

These are troublesome times for the world, the word of God is being fulfilled, but prayer can change the hearts of people. Prayer can touch the hands of God to move in the behalf of the people of the world.

Thank God, the God we serve is loving, and He is long-suffering. For years He commissioned Noah to preach the word of God, prior to Him destroying all living things except for Noah and His family. Out of all the people who were living, only eight people accepted the word of God. They were saved from the destruction of the wrath of God when He flooded the earth with water. They escaped through the prayers of Noah for his family. God heard the prayers and allowed Noah’s family to enter the ark. Prior to destruction, God warned Noah. Just as He warned Noah, He has warned the believer of what is coming upon the world prior to the coming of Jesus.

God hears the cry of the righteous, and it’s not just the government’s responsibility to keep our safety, but it’s the responsibility of the believer to do as Daniel did, repent for the sins of ourselves and the world.  Requesting His protection from our enemies, no one can keep us safe as our God and the Lord of Hosts. We can’t put our trust in man and their weaponry, but the God that made the earth, the God that holds the world in His hands. This is not the time to fear, but to pray, placing our trust in God.

Only God knows the intentions of man’s heart prior to their actions, only God has a host in heaven that can’t be numbered. God has warned the believer, not to place their trust or confidence in man, but to place their confidence and trust in God.

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