Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law – Psalm 119:18
In order for us to get an understanding of the word of God, we must have clarity and revelation of the word of God. The Bible is something we can’t comprehend with our intellect, its spiritual, and we need the Holy Spirit giving us the understanding we need in order to find the truth of God’s word.
Illumination is the ministry of the Holy Spirit by which He causes Christians to understand the truths in which God revealed in Scripture. The Holy Spirit convicts, but He doesn’t condemn.. Conviction causes us to see, primarily used of the Holy Spirit revealing sin in the unsaved as well as sin the life of the believer. The majority of the time, if sin is prevalent in the life of the individual, they will be annoyed by thinking the Bible restricts us from doing what we want.
God’s laws were given to free us to be all He wants us to be. They restrict us from doing those things that will cripple us and keep us from being our best. God’s guidelines assist us to follow the path and avoid paths that lead to destruction. God’s word is for our well-being, not for our demise. God’s word is His truth and we can always relay on His word, His words are established in heaven and will be manifested in earth as we have faith in God and His word. Every Christian’s prayer should be as the Psalmist, “Open my eyes”, then can we fulfill the word of God in our lives.
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Last Updated: December 17, 2015 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law – Psalm 119:18
In order for us to get an understanding of the word of God, we must have clarity and revelation of the word of God. The Bible is something we can’t comprehend with our intellect, its spiritual, and we need the Holy Spirit giving us the understanding we need in order to find the truth of God’s word.
Illumination is the ministry of the Holy Spirit by which He causes Christians to understand the truths in which God revealed in Scripture. The Holy Spirit convicts, but He doesn’t condemn.. Conviction causes us to see, primarily used of the Holy Spirit revealing sin in the unsaved as well as sin the life of the believer. The majority of the time, if sin is prevalent in the life of the individual, they will be annoyed by thinking the Bible restricts us from doing what we want.
God’s laws were given to free us to be all He wants us to be. They restrict us from doing those things that will cripple us and keep us from being our best. God’s guidelines assist us to follow the path and avoid paths that lead to destruction. God’s word is for our well-being, not for our demise. God’s word is His truth and we can always relay on His word, His words are established in heaven and will be manifested in earth as we have faith in God and His word. Every Christian’s prayer should be as the Psalmist, “Open my eyes”, then can we fulfill the word of God in our lives.
Category: Word of the Day Tags: clarity, illumination, revelation
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