A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another.
Love is strong, and love is unconditional. In order for us to have the love the Lord is instructing us to have towards each other, we must have a helper. We must have the power of God living within us to change our hearts to His heart.When we have the heart of God, His loves flow through our hearts to others. Love is not about what can you do for me, but what can I do for you? When we really love the way we have been instructed, we don’t have to tell people we’re Christians, they will know by the way we treat others.
Love is colored blind, it doesn’t love just those who have financial or educational status. Love will love the unlovable. Love is one of the Fruit of the Spirit, love will make you stand in the gap in prayer for those you know cannot get a prayer answered because of their lifestyle. You don’t look at the lifestyle, you look at the need. When we ask the Father to come into our hearts and change our hearts to His heart, that’s when true love begins to come into manifestation. That’s when we can deny ourselves because of the love we have for the Father and the Son. Agape love will make you do and say things you wouldn’t normally do through fleshly love.
Love will forgive as the Lord has instructed us to forgive seventy times seven when someone has wronged us. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to be running buddies with the person that hurt you, but it does mean although they hurt you, if they have a need and you see the need, you will help them. That’s what our Lord and Savior do for us, every time we disobey His instructions, it hurts Him, but He continues to love and intercede to the Father on our behalf. ( And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought to always to pray, and not to faint (lose heart). Prayer builds our faith in God, prayer keeps us connect to God through our spirit. Prayer assists us in dominating our flesh rather than the flesh dominating us. Prayer cleanses as we pray and confess our sins to the Father (If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness – 1st John 1:9). Prayer helps us to see our faults and sins rather than always seeing someone else’s fault and sins.
Love is concerned about souls being saved. Attending church is our Christian duty, but for others to come to salvation, we must come out from the walls of the church and take it to the street. Some people will never attend church, but if we love them, we would be praying for God to open doors for us to minister to the lost. If the churches came together and stop fault-finding, criticizing, spiritual discriminating and begin to come together for lost souls, we would see a move of God like never before, souls would be saved, the back-slider rededicating themselves to the Lord. Those who attend church and live a life of hypocrisy, life would be changed. Gang-bangers would be changed and the violence would stop. Jesus and twelve disciples changed the world, and if we come together with the Spirit of the Living God abiding in us as He did with the Son and the disciples, we too can change the world, but this all goes back to how much do we love. It’s all about love, it’s not about how many people attend church, but how many attend church is born-again Christians? It’s not about birthdays and church anniversary’s, who have we prayed into the kingdom, who have we led to salvation?
We have our priorities mixed up. We’re all about conferences, this anniversary and that anniversary when people are dying without Christ. If we placed as much effort in winning souls as we do with different celebrations, and anniversaries our communities would be changed, our homes and schools would be changed because of the people’s lives being changed through the power of God.
We have hundreds of secular radio stations and television programs, if the body of Christ would come together and purchase radio stations and television programs, many souls would be saved. Coming together purchasing property where our teenagers and adolescences would have basketball courts, skating, game rooms, as well as educational programs supervised by godly peers. The Bible states those that rule over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God which indicates those that have authority over our children and their well-being should be those that fear God and if they fear God, a lot of the things that have happened to children wouldn’t have taken place. it’s time to come out the church and be concerned about our surrounding communities. It’s not how many times we attend church, but how many have we influenced to come to church?
How do we know when the Word is dominating us? It’s when our hearts crave and desire to see people saved, having the Spirit of God indwelling their physical bodies. When we see people healed of different diseases, drug and alcoholics delivered, marriages restored, the manifestation of God’s power operating in our lives other than to jump, shout and run around the church.
Before we, the body of Christ can experience the manifestation of God’s power in and through us, we must love, we must be concerned about souls. We must present ourselves as living sacrifices to be vessels and instruments of God. We must love as God has loved us, unconditional!
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Last Updated: November 14, 2017 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
How Do I Know When The Word Dominates My Life?
A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another.
Love is strong, and love is unconditional. In order for us to have the love the Lord is instructing us to have towards each other, we must have a helper. We must have the power of God living within us to change our hearts to His heart.When we have the heart of God, His loves flow through our hearts to others. Love is not about what can you do for me, but what can I do for you? When we really love the way we have been instructed, we don’t have to tell people we’re Christians, they will know by the way we treat others.
Love is colored blind, it doesn’t love just those who have financial or educational status. Love will love the unlovable. Love is one of the Fruit of the Spirit, love will make you stand in the gap in prayer for those you know cannot get a prayer answered because of their lifestyle. You don’t look at the lifestyle, you look at the need. When we ask the Father to come into our hearts and change our hearts to His heart, that’s when true love begins to come into manifestation. That’s when we can deny ourselves because of the love we have for the Father and the Son. Agape love will make you do and say things you wouldn’t normally do through fleshly love.
Love will forgive as the Lord has instructed us to forgive seventy times seven when someone has wronged us. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to be running buddies with the person that hurt you, but it does mean although they hurt you, if they have a need and you see the need, you will help them. That’s what our Lord and Savior do for us, every time we disobey His instructions, it hurts Him, but He continues to love and intercede to the Father on our behalf. ( And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought to always to pray, and not to faint (lose heart). Prayer builds our faith in God, prayer keeps us connect to God through our spirit. Prayer assists us in dominating our flesh rather than the flesh dominating us. Prayer cleanses as we pray and confess our sins to the Father (If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness – 1st John 1:9). Prayer helps us to see our faults and sins rather than always seeing someone else’s fault and sins.
Love is concerned about souls being saved. Attending church is our Christian duty, but for others to come to salvation, we must come out from the walls of the church and take it to the street. Some people will never attend church, but if we love them, we would be praying for God to open doors for us to minister to the lost. If the churches came together and stop fault-finding, criticizing, spiritual discriminating and begin to come together for lost souls, we would see a move of God like never before, souls would be saved, the back-slider rededicating themselves to the Lord. Those who attend church and live a life of hypocrisy, life would be changed. Gang-bangers would be changed and the violence would stop. Jesus and twelve disciples changed the world, and if we come together with the Spirit of the Living God abiding in us as He did with the Son and the disciples, we too can change the world, but this all goes back to how much do we love. It’s all about love, it’s not about how many people attend church, but how many attend church is born-again Christians? It’s not about birthdays and church anniversary’s, who have we prayed into the kingdom, who have we led to salvation?
We have our priorities mixed up. We’re all about conferences, this anniversary and that anniversary when people are dying without Christ. If we placed as much effort in winning souls as we do with different celebrations, and anniversaries our communities would be changed, our homes and schools would be changed because of the people’s lives being changed through the power of God.
We have hundreds of secular radio stations and television programs, if the body of Christ would come together and purchase radio stations and television programs, many souls would be saved. Coming together purchasing property where our teenagers and adolescences would have basketball courts, skating, game rooms, as well as educational programs supervised by godly peers. The Bible states those that rule over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God which indicates those that have authority over our children and their well-being should be those that fear God and if they fear God, a lot of the things that have happened to children wouldn’t have taken place. it’s time to come out the church and be concerned about our surrounding communities. It’s not how many times we attend church, but how many have we influenced to come to church?
How do we know when the Word is dominating us? It’s when our hearts crave and desire to see people saved, having the Spirit of God indwelling their physical bodies. When we see people healed of different diseases, drug and alcoholics delivered, marriages restored, the manifestation of God’s power operating in our lives other than to jump, shout and run around the church.
Before we, the body of Christ can experience the manifestation of God’s power in and through us, we must love, we must be concerned about souls. We must present ourselves as living sacrifices to be vessels and instruments of God. We must love as God has loved us, unconditional!
Category: Inspirational Tags: anniversary, born again, church, commandment, concerned, conference, forgive, Fruit of the Spirit, gap, heart, hurt, love, pray, prayer, radio, salvation, selfish, television
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