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Chosen to Give Birth

And Mary said, Behold the handmaid (maidservant) of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her – Luke 1:38.

The announcement of a child was met with various responses throughout Scripture. Sarah, Abraham’s wife laughed. Manoah, Samson’s father, panicked. Zacharias doubted. Mary the mother of our Lord and Savior, believed the angel words and agreed to bear the child. Although she was aware of the ridicule, pointing of the finger, rejection and the possibility of death. She counted the cost and had a heart to say yes to the will of God.Mary, the mother of Jesus was a daughter of the royal family, lineally descended from David. The name Mary signifies exalted. She lived in Nazareth, a city of Galilee, a remote corner of the country, and in no reputation for religion or learning, but which bordered upon the heathen, and therefore was called Galilee of the Gentiles. The angel was sent to her from Nazareth, he surprised her with a salutation, this was intended to raise in her a value for herself. Though she lived in poverty and obscurity, she would have the honor to be the mother of the Messiah.

She was informed by the angel she would give birth to the Lord, her question was, ” How shall this be?” knowing she was a virgin. The angel instructed her the Holy Ghost would come upon her, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow her. In other words, she would conceive by the power of the Holy Ghost. A divine power will undertake it, the power of the Holy Ghost Himself would bring about the mystery of a virgin birth. The formation of every baby in the womb and the entrance of the spirit of life into it is a mystery in nature, but God would use the natural to bring about a spiritual, miraculous encounter.

Although Mary was very much aware of the consequences she would have to face, pregnant without being married would cause her to be stoned to death. But rather than thinking about herself, she was willing to die for the will of God to be performed for her life. A regenerated heart will sometime cause a believer to be talked about, lied on, ridicule,  and rejected, but if we submit to the call of God, the pain and suffering can’t measure up to the blessings we receive by submission.

Mary was chosen by God to give birth to our Savior. He used a body that was willing to submit to His request to give birth. When we receive the Holy Spirit, His dwelling in us gives us the power to birth spiritual babies. It’s the empowering of the Holy Spirit that opens our understanding of Scriptures and give us the willingness to submit ourselves to God and His word. Through the Holy Spirit, He ignites the Fruit of the Spirit in the believer: Love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. When the fruit of the Spirit is activated, then the gifts of the Spirit will be effective; encouraging the saints and drawing the unbeliever to God.

Mature Christians are to birth spiritual babies and work with them until Christ be formed in them. Every Christian was chosen by God to grow spiritually to bring forth spiritual babies. The only way we can grow is by attending church, and learning what is required of us as Christians. Submitting to the teaching we receive, a personal prayer life, receiving the Holy Spirit, fasting, reading and studying the Word of God and conforming to it. What a privilege it is to be chosen of God to reproduce spiritual children!

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