Let your conversation (conduct) be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee – Hebrews 13:5.
God wants us to come to Him as His beloved daughter or son in order that He might be with us at any moment in our lives. He makes Himself immediately and personally available to us at any time of day or night, no matter what we are facing. No person who has called out to God has ever heard a busy signal or a recorded message.
We have the right to talk to God at any time, anywhere and especially when we’re in the midst of any situation or issue. Unfortunately, many times Christians stop talking to God because of their circumstances. They feel as though God has forsaken them, He’s angry with them or He doesn’t know what they are going through. We have the privilege to go before God in prayer at anytime day or night, we don’t have to worry whether or not He’s too busy to hear us. His Sovereignty, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient enables Him to hear everyone that is praying as well as not getting our prayers mixed up with someone else’s prayer request.
When Satan tries to influence us that no one cares, no one is praying for us, this is when we have to know, if no one is praying for us, Jesus is sitting on the right hand-side of the Father, and He’s making intercessions for us twenty-four hours a day. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pray because Jesus is praying for us, He said to ask the Father in His name, so this means, we do have to pray (And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it – John 14:13-14). There isn’t a prayer that is too small or too large for the Father or the Son, what is impossible with us, is possible with them.
Prayer is our communication with the Father, we shouldn’t wait until we have issues and circumstances to commune with Him. He’s available twenty-four hours a day, and He enjoys hearing us communing with Him on a daily basis, this is how we build our relationship with Him. This is how we build our faith in Him and not in our capabilities. Don’t allow circumstances or issues to keep you from communing with the Father. Bring the issues and circumstances to Him in prayer, believing He will hear as well as answer the prayer.
God is always available for us, the problem is, we don’t take the time to pray. We can’t rely on no one twenty-four hours a day, but God. He’s waiting to hear your voice, He wants you to have faith in Him and not what you’re going through. God loves you, and His thoughts towards you are not evil, but good to bring you to an expected end. What you’re seeing or feeling is not the end, God has the last Word, and everything must come subject to His Word.
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Last Updated: September 14, 2020 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
He’s Always Available
Let your conversation (conduct) be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee – Hebrews 13:5.
God wants us to come to Him as His beloved daughter or son in order that He might be with us at any moment in our lives. He makes Himself immediately and personally available to us at any time of day or night, no matter what we are facing. No person who has called out to God has ever heard a busy signal or a recorded message.
We have the right to talk to God at any time, anywhere and especially when we’re in the midst of any situation or issue. Unfortunately, many times Christians stop talking to God because of their circumstances. They feel as though God has forsaken them, He’s angry with them or He doesn’t know what they are going through. We have the privilege to go before God in prayer at anytime day or night, we don’t have to worry whether or not He’s too busy to hear us. His Sovereignty, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient enables Him to hear everyone that is praying as well as not getting our prayers mixed up with someone else’s prayer request.
When Satan tries to influence us that no one cares, no one is praying for us, this is when we have to know, if no one is praying for us, Jesus is sitting on the right hand-side of the Father, and He’s making intercessions for us twenty-four hours a day. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t pray because Jesus is praying for us, He said to ask the Father in His name, so this means, we do have to pray (And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it – John 14:13-14). There isn’t a prayer that is too small or too large for the Father or the Son, what is impossible with us, is possible with them.
Prayer is our communication with the Father, we shouldn’t wait until we have issues and circumstances to commune with Him. He’s available twenty-four hours a day, and He enjoys hearing us communing with Him on a daily basis, this is how we build our relationship with Him. This is how we build our faith in Him and not in our capabilities. Don’t allow circumstances or issues to keep you from communing with the Father. Bring the issues and circumstances to Him in prayer, believing He will hear as well as answer the prayer.
God is always available for us, the problem is, we don’t take the time to pray. We can’t rely on no one twenty-four hours a day, but God. He’s waiting to hear your voice, He wants you to have faith in Him and not what you’re going through. God loves you, and His thoughts towards you are not evil, but good to bring you to an expected end. What you’re seeing or feeling is not the end, God has the last Word, and everything must come subject to His Word.
Category: Inspirational Tags: answer, ask, available, believe, Commune, faith, Impossible, possible, prayer, problems
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