P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

Times and Seasons

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven – Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is spring, summer, fall and winter; and at each of the seasons there is a purpose. Each season is about three months each, but according to the severity of the season it seems as though it maybe longer than three months.

Just as we have seasons in the natural, we also have seasons spiritually. There are times we feel as though we’re living on the mountain top; then are seasons we’re in the valley. There are seasons when we feel like a soldier of God, ready for battle; then there are seasons, we feel as though we want to go AWOL. In every season God will always be there to walk with us. God knows we need rest from the storms of life. There is rest for the people of God when we place our faith in Him and not what we’re going through.

Jesus promises the believer, He would not forsaken them or leave them. If we don’t believe what He has said, many will lose their faith and others will return to the sins of the world. Just as the army sends in their strongest soldier when the battle gets heated, God is trying to elevate the Saints to get ready for battle, not just for themselves, but for others. This is why we go through different trials and tribulations to get us fit for the real battle.  We have the victory, keep your armor on, stay focus, have faith, and listen for the instructions of the Master!

In this season with everything that is going on in the world, this is not the time to play church, but be the church. Presenting our bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God. A body that is submitted and dedicated to God and His Word. The year 2020 will never be forgotten for many have lost their lives, many are fearful. Many are in a position financially they have never been in, with all that is happening God is still faithful and a loving God. We’re living in the book of Revelation, and Jesus is returning for His church, we don’t know when, but we need to be ready for His appearance.

Judgment is coming, fame and fortune will not keep one from the judgment that is coming. Even for the non-believer it will not stop the return of the King of Glory. Take time read and study the Bible, adhere to its instructions, and be prepared for the return of the Son of God! His coming maybe this year, it maybe years from now, but whenever He returns, we will be compensated for what we have done and what we should have done and didn’t do it. This is a season of sadness, and wonder, place your faith in God and His Son, it’s hope in them and life for now and for eternity.

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