Our Father, which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our or debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever Amen. Thank You for Your mercy and grace towards us. Thank You for Your everlasting love and protection. Thank You for being the God of all gods, every god must bow to Your name. The god of sickness and disease must bow to the name of Jesus, the Son of God. Poverty, division, fear must bow at the name of Jesus.
You are Alpha and Omega, You are the God that is, was, and will always be. We’re calling on Your great name. We need help Lord, draw us closer to You, we pray for Your Word to be embedded in our hearts. You are our life and we need You every moment and second of the day. We pray for our hearts to have a heart of gratitude, a heart of compassion, a heart of mercy and love. We pray for Your heart to be our hearts, we pray for the mind of Christ. Give us a hunger and thirst for righteousness, help us to delight ourselves in You daily by prayer, reading Your Word, submitting to Your Word.
We pray for the body of Christ to come into unity. Help us not to fight each other but love one another as You have loved us. We need the baptism of the Holy Spirit, help us not to be content with ourselves but want more of You. Help us to be full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit. Help us to minister to the lost by the power of God; according to Your Word, not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord. Father, remove the spirit of error, remove ungodly influences out of our desires and actions. Help us to submit ourselves in every area of our lives according to the Word of God. We love You, we appreciate You and we pray we will never take Your love for granted in Jesus name we ask these prayers, and we thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, Amen!
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Last Updated: April 11, 2021 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Time of Prayer
Our Father, which art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our or debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever Amen. Thank You for Your mercy and grace towards us. Thank You for Your everlasting love and protection. Thank You for being the God of all gods, every god must bow to Your name. The god of sickness and disease must bow to the name of Jesus, the Son of God. Poverty, division, fear must bow at the name of Jesus.
You are Alpha and Omega, You are the God that is, was, and will always be. We’re calling on Your great name. We need help Lord, draw us closer to You, we pray for Your Word to be embedded in our hearts. You are our life and we need You every moment and second of the day. We pray for our hearts to have a heart of gratitude, a heart of compassion, a heart of mercy and love. We pray for Your heart to be our hearts, we pray for the mind of Christ. Give us a hunger and thirst for righteousness, help us to delight ourselves in You daily by prayer, reading Your Word, submitting to Your Word.
We pray for the body of Christ to come into unity. Help us not to fight each other but love one another as You have loved us. We need the baptism of the Holy Spirit, help us not to be content with ourselves but want more of You. Help us to be full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit. Help us to minister to the lost by the power of God; according to Your Word, not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord. Father, remove the spirit of error, remove ungodly influences out of our desires and actions. Help us to submit ourselves in every area of our lives according to the Word of God. We love You, we appreciate You and we pray we will never take Your love for granted in Jesus name we ask these prayers, and we thank You for hearing and answering our prayers, Amen!
Category: Prayer Tags: God, hearts, love, prayer, unity
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