P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

Choosing God As Your Partner

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you – Matthew 6:33.

When you enter into a partnership with someone, it is important that both parties fulfill their responsibilities and obligations in order for the partnership to be a success. Whether you know it or not as Christians we’re partners with God.

We don’t have to provide anything in our partnership with God except our willingness and obedience to follow His plan. We need to obey God’s Word and put God first in our lives if we expect the blessings and the benefits He has promised us. We can’t live according to the world’s standard and expect God to fulfill His promises. Placing God first in our lives will open the door for God’s blessings. How do we put God first? Putting God first means that in everything we say and do, we should ask ourselves the question ” Would God say or do this or Would God approve of my action”?

We can look at living for God and placing Him first in a positive or negative view. The negative way would be “I’m not allowed to do this, and I can’t do that and I can’t go to such and such place”. Someone else viewing living for God in a positive way would be “Because I love God, there are some things I’m just not going to do and there are some places I’m just not going to go”!

As Christians, we are to separate our lifestyle from the world. It means separation from the world and separation unto God. This does not mean we are to withdraw from the world and become reclusive. Although we are in this world, we are not of this world. Right living is putting God first and separating ourselves from the ways of the world. We do this by choice, its a heart decision to live for God and to be separate from the world and its ways.

Temptations come to people of all age groups and nationalities. But as professing Christians we should not compromise our faith in God and our moral standards if so, we aren’t seeking first the kingdom of God. It’s just as many older adults living in common-law as younger adults. Just as many older adults having trouble keeping their flesh under control as younger ones. We have to make a decision, are we going to submit ourselves to God or submit ourselves to our desires.

If we’re attending church on a regular basis, but if our lifestyle is not consistent with the Word of God, we haven’t separated ourselves from the world and its ways. As professing Christians, we don’t have to try to find happiness in the same way the world seeks happiness. If we place God first in our life, He will add to us all the material benefits the world so diligently seek after. He will bless you with a spouse, and you wouldn’t have to have sex before marriage because the individual is also seeking first God’s will and desire and not their desire.

Rather than seeing how close to the edge of sin we can live and still be saved, let’s see how close we can get to God and live in fellowship with Him. We can be assured in our hearts that as we choose God as our Partner in life and seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all things pertaining to life and godliness will be added unto us.

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