Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean things; and I will receive you – 2nd Corinthians 6:17.
When God delivered His people from Egyptian bondage, as they were going to the Promised Land, He gave them instructions to live as His people. They were not to mingle or abide by the lifestyle of the surrounding nations.
It’s baffling how some in the Christian community want to mix Christianity with the things of the world’s actions, and they think it’s okay with God when He has given them instructions in His written Word to be different from those who live according to the world’s standards.
The world is a type of Egypt, and it has so many of God’s people in spiritual bondage, and they don’t have a clue they are in bondage. Religious Christians have turned many of God’s people from following Him because of their lifestyle and their character.
Religious Christians abide by some of the doctrines of the Bible but don’t fully live according to its teachings. Most religious Christians haven’t been baptized in the Holy Spirit because they want to mix Christianity with the world, and it can’t be done according to God’s law.
Either we will serve Him spirit, soul, and body, or we will not (I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable , and perfect, will of God – Romans 12:1-2). The body includes everything that makes up the body for us to either worship and serve God or dishonor Him and His Word.
We can’t live this Christian life without the abiding of the Holy Spirit. It is He who enables us to live according to the instructions of the Bible. He opens our understanding of what is required of us as Christians. Trying to understand the Bible with our intellect is dangerous, leading many to erroneous doctrines.
Everything that we shouldn’t or should do is not written in the Bible, but because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, He will lead us in what or what not to do as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ. The Fruit of the Spirit should be in manifestation. We should be growing spiritually, not in the same stage we were five, ten, or twenty years after receiving salvation.
Just as a child grows to maturity, so shall it be with us growing spiritually. If not, something is wrong with our commitment. Many professing Christians are more committed to actors, entertainers, and their favorite television programs and social media than they are to God. In order to grow spiritually, we must be committed to prayer, reading and studying the Bible, and fasting. Attending church regularly, attending Sunday School and Bible Study. Looking and listening to programs that will feed our faith.
If you don’t stay in the presence of God, you will not know what is acceptable and not acceptable to Him. Our communion with Him gives us knowledge about Him. God speaks to us through His Word and gives us an unction in our spirit, or an audible voice, and other avenues as we grow in the Spirit.
We can’t hear His voice or feel His spirit when we’re trying to live in two different worlds. We are in this world, but we are not of this world when we become born-again Christians. The Pharisees and Sadducees were believers, but they were not born-again and neither did they adhere to the teaching of Christ. Many professing Christians are like the Pharisees and Sadducees.
In the natural, when our children are living at home, we give them instructions to live according to house rules. As Christians, God has given us house rules to live by and it is His written Word. If we want to continue to live in His house, then we must abide by His rules.
We have to let go of offensive, unforgiveness, anger, fault-finding, criticizing, lying, cheating, and indulging in things we shouldn’t be doing as Christians. It’s your responsibility as a Christian to read and study God’s Word to have knowledge of what is expected of you as a Christian.
We are on a journey to the Promised Land, and in order to enter the Promised Land, we must abide by the rules. We don’t know which is coming first, Jesus or death, but whichever one comes first, we must be prepared people to enter heaven. When death knocks on the door, and we haven’t lived according to the rules of the house, we will enter hell where there will be no exit.
As Christians, we must separate ourselves from the actions of the world. We must have the character of our Lord and Savior. He had virtue, and His divine power gave us the spiritual ability to live a godly life. His divine nature is the nature that characterizes God. The nature is expressed in holiness, virtue, righteousness, love, and grace.
By regenerating with the divine nature, believers can exhibit the same characteristics of Jesus. We should not be exhibiting the god of this world in our character or behavior. We should be separated from the world, and our behavior and character should exhibit our heavenly Father.
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Last Updated: February 16, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean things; and I will receive you – 2nd Corinthians 6:17.
When God delivered His people from Egyptian bondage, as they were going to the Promised Land, He gave them instructions to live as His people. They were not to mingle or abide by the lifestyle of the surrounding nations.
It’s baffling how some in the Christian community want to mix Christianity with the things of the world’s actions, and they think it’s okay with God when He has given them instructions in His written Word to be different from those who live according to the world’s standards.
The world is a type of Egypt, and it has so many of God’s people in spiritual bondage, and they don’t have a clue they are in bondage. Religious Christians have turned many of God’s people from following Him because of their lifestyle and their character.
Religious Christians abide by some of the doctrines of the Bible but don’t fully live according to its teachings. Most religious Christians haven’t been baptized in the Holy Spirit because they want to mix Christianity with the world, and it can’t be done according to God’s law.
Either we will serve Him spirit, soul, and body, or we will not (I beseech you, therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable , and perfect, will of God – Romans 12:1-2). The body includes everything that makes up the body for us to either worship and serve God or dishonor Him and His Word.
We can’t live this Christian life without the abiding of the Holy Spirit. It is He who enables us to live according to the instructions of the Bible. He opens our understanding of what is required of us as Christians. Trying to understand the Bible with our intellect is dangerous, leading many to erroneous doctrines.
Everything that we shouldn’t or should do is not written in the Bible, but because of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, He will lead us in what or what not to do as Christians and followers of Jesus Christ. The Fruit of the Spirit should be in manifestation. We should be growing spiritually, not in the same stage we were five, ten, or twenty years after receiving salvation.
Just as a child grows to maturity, so shall it be with us growing spiritually. If not, something is wrong with our commitment. Many professing Christians are more committed to actors, entertainers, and their favorite television programs and social media than they are to God. In order to grow spiritually, we must be committed to prayer, reading and studying the Bible, and fasting. Attending church regularly, attending Sunday School and Bible Study. Looking and listening to programs that will feed our faith.
If you don’t stay in the presence of God, you will not know what is acceptable and not acceptable to Him. Our communion with Him gives us knowledge about Him. God speaks to us through His Word and gives us an unction in our spirit, or an audible voice, and other avenues as we grow in the Spirit.
We can’t hear His voice or feel His spirit when we’re trying to live in two different worlds. We are in this world, but we are not of this world when we become born-again Christians. The Pharisees and Sadducees were believers, but they were not born-again and neither did they adhere to the teaching of Christ. Many professing Christians are like the Pharisees and Sadducees.
In the natural, when our children are living at home, we give them instructions to live according to house rules. As Christians, God has given us house rules to live by and it is His written Word. If we want to continue to live in His house, then we must abide by His rules.
We have to let go of offensive, unforgiveness, anger, fault-finding, criticizing, lying, cheating, and indulging in things we shouldn’t be doing as Christians. It’s your responsibility as a Christian to read and study God’s Word to have knowledge of what is expected of you as a Christian.
We are on a journey to the Promised Land, and in order to enter the Promised Land, we must abide by the rules. We don’t know which is coming first, Jesus or death, but whichever one comes first, we must be prepared people to enter heaven. When death knocks on the door, and we haven’t lived according to the rules of the house, we will enter hell where there will be no exit.
As Christians, we must separate ourselves from the actions of the world. We must have the character of our Lord and Savior. He had virtue, and His divine power gave us the spiritual ability to live a godly life. His divine nature is the nature that characterizes God. The nature is expressed in holiness, virtue, righteousness, love, and grace.
By regenerating with the divine nature, believers can exhibit the same characteristics of Jesus. We should not be exhibiting the god of this world in our character or behavior. We should be separated from the world, and our behavior and character should exhibit our heavenly Father.
Category: Inspirational Tags: Christians, separate, separation
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