I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help Psalm 121:1.
We’re all on a journey as the Israelites were when they were freed from the Egyptians. Spiritually speaking, Egypt would be considered the world; as Christians, we have been freed from the bondage of sin to live a separate life from sin and the world.
On this journey, we will encounter different attacks as the Israelites experienced. We will suffer physical, mental, emotional, financial attacks, and sometimes bodily attacks because of our faith in the Lord and our submission to His Word.
Attacks do not mean that God has forgotten you or is unaware of what is going on in your life. He knows your beginning, middle, and end. He’s not scratching His head, saying, Oh, I didn’t know that would happen. Nothing can’t come into your life without His permission.
A few days into the wilderness after their freedom from Egypt, the children of Israel stood on the banks of the Red Sea, only to realize with horror that the Egyptian army was rapidly overtaking them from the rear. There weren’t boats to carry such a vast multitude across the Red Sea.
Wilderness extended to their left and right, and they couldn’t turn back; they were trapped, they thought! The people were overwhelmed by their physical circumstances. They were looking at the natural, and the natural will always scream at you, “It can’t be done!”.
Moses had a different perspective from those he was leading; his eyes were not fixed on the circumstances that spelled utter defeat, but his focus was on the God He served and worshiped, and He knew there was nothing too hard for God. As humans, when trouble arises, we first look at the natural before turning to the spiritual.
Moses realized there was no natural answer for the circumstances they were facing. The only thing he could do was to listen to God and obey what He said. As Christians, we need to learn that when we do what God tells us to do, we’ve fulfilled our responsibility; God’s responsible for bringing His Word to pass.
Elisha was another one who placed his trust in God and not what he was seeing. The king of Syria was at war with Israel. As the king of Syria made plans with his servants where his camp would be, Elisha, the man of God, would send word to the king of Israel where the Syrian would be.
The king of Syria thought his servants were informing the king of Israel where he was, but one of his servants informed him it was none of his people who were informing the king of Israel, but it was Elisha the prophet. The king of Syria instructed his servants to go and get the prophet, Elisha. The king sent his host, and they entered the city by night.
When the servant of the man of God awakened that morning, he saw the great host compassing the city with horses and chariots. The servant was afraid of what he was seeing, but the man of God instructed him not to fear (And he answered, Fear not, for they that be with us are more than they that be with them – 2nd Kings 6:16). The prophet was seeing in the spirit whereas his servant was looking at the natural.
As Christians, we live in this world but were not of this world according to Scripture (I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world even as I am not of the world – John 17:15-16). Jesus was praying to the Father for His followers. Each of us has an appointed time when we’re scheduled to die; no one knows the day or the hour, but if our hope and our trust are in God, we have nothing to fear.
So much is happening in the world; people are being murdered, missing, drowning, flooding, fires, and wars. If we focus on what is happening, we will lose our focus on God. This is when Christians and non-believers need to focus on their spiritual well-being. This is not the time to focus on how much money you have or don’t have. Money can’t save your soul, nor will it run behind your hearse.
Satan has people, as well as some professing Christians, focusing on everything other than God and how to please Him and bypass hell. There is safety being in Christ and Him residing in you. Nothing can protect you like God and His angels.
Whether you’re educated or uneducated. Whether you’re weighty or petite. Whether you’re famous or you’re not famous no one knows who you are. But there is One who knows all about you, and it’s time you focus on where is your relationship with Him!
Fear not on what’s happening in the world, but focus on where you will spend eternity, whether Jesus comes or death. Where will you end up, heaven or hell? God is loving and merciful; all one has to do is ask God to forgive and save them. Our trust and faith must be in God’s Son. No other name or person can one be saved by (That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved – Romans 10:9) One is not saved by his mouth’s confession, but rather the mouth testifies readily of the grace of God in Christ which has been received by faith.
There are not many ways to God as some proclaim. it’s through Jesus and Him only. Jesus died for the sins of the world. No other person was acceptable in God’s sight to be holy and sin-free to take on the sins of the world. No other has died, risen from the grave, and is sitting on the right-hand side of God. No other name can be used but Jesus to get the Father’s attention and answer.
Problems, disappointments, and needs will come, but whatever it may be, God is your answer. Focus on Him and His Word. When He made a promise to Abraham, He could swear by no other, He swore by His Word. His Word will not return to Him void. His Word is established in heaven. He watches over His Word to perform it.
Read the Bible so you can focus on His Word, and pray so you can focus on your connection to the Father. When you focus on Him, you will believe His Word and speak His Word!
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Last Updated: August 19, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Focus Your Eyes Upon the Lord
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help Psalm 121:1.
We’re all on a journey as the Israelites were when they were freed from the Egyptians. Spiritually speaking, Egypt would be considered the world; as Christians, we have been freed from the bondage of sin to live a separate life from sin and the world.
On this journey, we will encounter different attacks as the Israelites experienced. We will suffer physical, mental, emotional, financial attacks, and sometimes bodily attacks because of our faith in the Lord and our submission to His Word.
Attacks do not mean that God has forgotten you or is unaware of what is going on in your life. He knows your beginning, middle, and end. He’s not scratching His head, saying, Oh, I didn’t know that would happen. Nothing can’t come into your life without His permission.
A few days into the wilderness after their freedom from Egypt, the children of Israel stood on the banks of the Red Sea, only to realize with horror that the Egyptian army was rapidly overtaking them from the rear. There weren’t boats to carry such a vast multitude across the Red Sea.
Wilderness extended to their left and right, and they couldn’t turn back; they were trapped, they thought! The people were overwhelmed by their physical circumstances. They were looking at the natural, and the natural will always scream at you, “It can’t be done!”.
Moses had a different perspective from those he was leading; his eyes were not fixed on the circumstances that spelled utter defeat, but his focus was on the God He served and worshiped, and He knew there was nothing too hard for God. As humans, when trouble arises, we first look at the natural before turning to the spiritual.
Moses realized there was no natural answer for the circumstances they were facing. The only thing he could do was to listen to God and obey what He said. As Christians, we need to learn that when we do what God tells us to do, we’ve fulfilled our responsibility; God’s responsible for bringing His Word to pass.
Elisha was another one who placed his trust in God and not what he was seeing. The king of Syria was at war with Israel. As the king of Syria made plans with his servants where his camp would be, Elisha, the man of God, would send word to the king of Israel where the Syrian would be.
The king of Syria thought his servants were informing the king of Israel where he was, but one of his servants informed him it was none of his people who were informing the king of Israel, but it was Elisha the prophet. The king of Syria instructed his servants to go and get the prophet, Elisha. The king sent his host, and they entered the city by night.
When the servant of the man of God awakened that morning, he saw the great host compassing the city with horses and chariots. The servant was afraid of what he was seeing, but the man of God instructed him not to fear (And he answered, Fear not, for they that be with us are more than they that be with them – 2nd Kings 6:16). The prophet was seeing in the spirit whereas his servant was looking at the natural.
As Christians, we live in this world but were not of this world according to Scripture (I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. They are not of the world even as I am not of the world – John 17:15-16). Jesus was praying to the Father for His followers. Each of us has an appointed time when we’re scheduled to die; no one knows the day or the hour, but if our hope and our trust are in God, we have nothing to fear.
So much is happening in the world; people are being murdered, missing, drowning, flooding, fires, and wars. If we focus on what is happening, we will lose our focus on God. This is when Christians and non-believers need to focus on their spiritual well-being. This is not the time to focus on how much money you have or don’t have. Money can’t save your soul, nor will it run behind your hearse.
Satan has people, as well as some professing Christians, focusing on everything other than God and how to please Him and bypass hell. There is safety being in Christ and Him residing in you. Nothing can protect you like God and His angels.
Whether you’re educated or uneducated. Whether you’re weighty or petite. Whether you’re famous or you’re not famous no one knows who you are. But there is One who knows all about you, and it’s time you focus on where is your relationship with Him!
Fear not on what’s happening in the world, but focus on where you will spend eternity, whether Jesus comes or death. Where will you end up, heaven or hell? God is loving and merciful; all one has to do is ask God to forgive and save them. Our trust and faith must be in God’s Son. No other name or person can one be saved by (That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved – Romans 10:9) One is not saved by his mouth’s confession, but rather the mouth testifies readily of the grace of God in Christ which has been received by faith.
There are not many ways to God as some proclaim. it’s through Jesus and Him only. Jesus died for the sins of the world. No other person was acceptable in God’s sight to be holy and sin-free to take on the sins of the world. No other has died, risen from the grave, and is sitting on the right-hand side of God. No other name can be used but Jesus to get the Father’s attention and answer.
Problems, disappointments, and needs will come, but whatever it may be, God is your answer. Focus on Him and His Word. When He made a promise to Abraham, He could swear by no other, He swore by His Word. His Word will not return to Him void. His Word is established in heaven. He watches over His Word to perform it.
Read the Bible so you can focus on His Word, and pray so you can focus on your connection to the Father. When you focus on Him, you will believe His Word and speak His Word!
Category: Inspirational Tags: death, hell, repent, salvation
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