Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy – Exodus 20:8. The law of the Ten Commandments is a law of God’s making. It is a law of His own speaking. This law that was given through the… Read More
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Tag: teaches
The Sabbath
Updated on November 13, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy – Exodus 20:8. The law of the Ten Commandments is a law of God’s making. It is a law of His own speaking. This law that was given through the… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepting, actions, after, all, already, another, apart, appeared, around, aside, ask, assembled, assembling, away, became, becasue, because, been, before, begin, Being, believe, believer, believers, between, bible, bind, bondage, but, certain, chosen, Christians, church, commandments, community, completed, considered, covenant, creation, crept, cross, day, days, directed, distiniction, doctrine, doing, each, emerfing, emerging, engaged, era, even, evening, events, every, failed, false, fearful, following, forgiven, fourth, from, fulfilled, gathering, given, God, governed, harvest, have, heart, hearts, hell, his, Holy, indicates, instituted, Instructions, intimated, is, jesus, just, keep, kept, labor, law, let, longer, makes, making, means, minds, neighbors, non-believer, not, observance, observe, observed, observence, of, old, one, opposite, other, others, outward, own, pagnism, people, placing, prior, privilege, pulled, rather, read, regulations, religion, remember, repent, repenting, respect, rest, resurrection, returning, reverenced, Sabbath, Saturday, seasons, serve, set, seven, seventh, should, sign, sins, six, social, some, special, specifically, study, submit, Sunday, sunset, synagogues, take, teachers, teaches, teaching, tempting, Ten Commandments, Testament, than, that, the, thei, their, themselves, they, through, time, together, true, turning, various, was, week, well, were, which, while, whilw, whole, will, Word, work, worshiip
Updated on March 29, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out – Mark 1:23. Several activities in the Bible involve demons. Sometimes they cause physical disease or mental suffering. However, not all mental… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, activities, against, angels, around, aware, baptism, Baptized, because, behavior, believe, bible, birth, bound, briging, cast, cause, change, Christians, co-host, coming, commandments, connection, continue, control, controlled, could, demons, destroy, disease, disorders, doctrine, don't, earth, enemy, engage, expands, explained, false, fight, fullly, Gift, groups, havoc, heretical, humanity, idea, ignorant, immoral, influencing, involve, keep, kingdom, lifestyle, line, living, make, member, mental, new, night, originate, origins, out, people, physical, possessed, practices, process, professing, propagate, ranks, real, religious, respected, ruling, same, sanctification, serve, several, sickness, sin, sleep, sometimes, suffering, talk, taught, teaches, teaching, tempt, themselves, they, think, those, today, two, until, walking, warfare, while, will
I have Given You Power!
Updated on February 22, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you – Luke 10:10. Power – Might, strength, ability and authority…. Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accomplish, according, afraid, against, believe, belongs, bible, both, bring, brings, builds, called, can, care, carnal, Christians, connected, craving, demonic, destroy, dimension, disciples, disconnected, effects, empowered, empowerment, everything, factor, faith, fasting, feel, fight, foul, glory, God, godliness, has, hearing, humble, Instructions, keeps, kill, knowing, knowledge, learn, lifestyle, live, love, manifesting, month, ose, ourselves, overcome, overthrow, pertain, prayer, profess, read, reason, relationship, Satan, scripture, sickness, spirit, staying, steal, strengthen, study, submissive, submit, surroundings, teaches, this, through, transforms, ttrouble, virtue, weak, whatever, Word, world
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