Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him – James 1:12. Temptation comes to the believer just… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: able, accepting, accomplished, according, actions, against, all, allow, allowed, am, an, another, are, aware, bad, because, been, before, believer, bible, blessed, body, bunch, busy, but, by, called, Calvery, can, carnal, catches, causes, changed, characteristic, choose, Chrisians, Christ, committing, continue, craving, cross, crown, dailyy, deal, denomination, desire, didn't, die, differen, difference, different, display, divine, does, doing, dominate, don't, double, earthly, easy, either, empowered, enable, endureth, even, every, everyone, example, expectation, expected, expects, faking, fast, Father, fightimg, for, forgiving, from, fruit, given, glory, go, God, godliness, grace, harmony, has, hath, have, he, hearing, hearts, heavenly, her, his, hold, humility, hypocrites, image, in, Instructions, jesus, just, keep, kindness, knowing, knowledge, learn, life, lifestyle, like, list, livimg, living, Lord, love, loves, man, Many, mean, meekness, moment, never, nonbelievers, nonebliever, not, obtain, of, one, only, others, patience, person, pertain, physical, pick, power, practicin, practicing, produced, promised, rather, reading, real, receive, regarding, right, salvation, same, scripture, see, should, show, sin, some, someoe, Son, spirit, spirits, still, studying, temperance, temptatioms, temptation, tests, tha, that, the, their, them, they, things, think, those, through, time, toward, trials, tried, try, understandig, up, us, victorious, way, we, were, what, whatever, when, which, will, without, Word, world, written, yet
Tag: scripture
Updated on November 20, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that findeth knowledge – Proverbs 8:9. Understanding the Scriptures is important in order to apply them to our daily lives. The reason why most Christians live… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: able, according, after, against, and, apply, are, aren't, ask, attacks, baptism, because, believers, bible, but, by, can't, candidates, carma;, carnal, children, Christians, comprend, continu, converts, daily, death, desire, discern, does, don't, either, empower, empowers, enables, enters, everlasting., every, excuse, Father, fight, fill, findeth, follow, forty, genuine, gives, God, godliness, hard, has, have, he, hearts, heaven, him, his, Holy Spirit, illumination, important, improved, incorrect, indwelling, instructed, Instructions, intellect, interpret, is, jesus, know, knowledge, language, let, lips, live, lives, Lord, love, loves, make, making, Many, minutes, msut, neverr, nonbelieverr, not, obedience, obey, on, one, order, our, overcome, power, practicing, pray, priority, provides, rather, reading, really, reason, receive, received, rejected, right, righteousness, salvation, Satan, schemes, scripture, sense, servant, serve, sevant, sin, someone, sometimes, Son, speak, speaks, spouse, studying, Sunday, talks, taught, than, that, the, their, them, they, think, thirty, through, time, tolearate, tricks, truth, understand, understandeth, understanding, us, want, we, were, what, when, whoever, whom, why, will, with, without, Word, world, would, written, yield, your, yourselves
Spiritual Adultery
Updated on November 17, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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For they provoked Him to anger with their high places and moved Him to jealousy with their graven images – Psalm 78:57. Many of God’s people are committing spiritual adultery; they have left their first love and have… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, accepted salvation, adultery, Advents, allow, also, although, among, and, anger, any, are, bad, baptism, be, become, between, bible, bride, came, can, caught, Christ, Christians, come, committing, cursing, day, denomination, died, don't, ears, eyes, fact, false, feed, feels, first, flesh, for, fornication, from, gates, given, go, godliness, gods, gossiping, grave, graven, greater, has, hates, have, heaven, high, him, his, images, in, instructed, Islam, jealousy, jesus, Jews, just, left, like, list, Lord, love, Many, marriages, men, mixed, Mornois, most, moved, name, natural, neither, no, on, other, out, people, person, physical, place, places, provoked, raised, receives, religions, salvation, saved, scripture, sense, separate, seriousness, seven, since, spirital, stealing, such, talking, the, their, them, there, they, touch, under, understand, ungodliness, unification, up, used, was, watchful, we, what, when, whether, with, witness, world, you
Characteristics Of A Christian
Posted on October 10, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him – James 1:12. Temptation comes to the believer just… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: able, accepting, accomplished, according, actions, against, all, allow, allowed, am, an, another, are, aware, bad, because, been, before, believer, bible, blessed, body, bunch, busy, but, by, called, Calvery, can, carnal, catches, causes, changed, characteristic, choose, Chrisians, Christ, committing, continue, craving, cross, crown, dailyy, deal, denomination, desire, didn't, die, differen, difference, different, display, divine, does, doing, dominate, don't, double, earthly, easy, either, empowered, enable, endureth, even, every, everyone, example, expectation, expected, expects, faking, fast, Father, fightimg, for, forgiving, from, fruit, given, glory, go, God, godliness, grace, harmony, has, hath, have, he, hearing, hearts, heavenly, her, his, hold, humility, hypocrites, image, in, Instructions, jesus, just, keep, kindness, knowing, knowledge, learn, life, lifestyle, like, list, livimg, living, Lord, love, loves, man, Many, mean, meekness, moment, never, nonbelievers, nonebliever, not, obtain, of, one, only, others, patience, person, pertain, physical, pick, power, practicin, practicing, produced, promised, rather, reading, real, receive, regarding, right, salvation, same, scripture, see, should, show, sin, some, someoe, Son, spirit, spirits, still, studying, temperance, temptatioms, temptation, tests, tha, that, the, their, them, they, things, think, those, through, time, toward, trials, tried, try, understandig, up, us, victorious, way, we, were, what, whatever, when, which, will, without, Word, world, written, yet
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