Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son – 2nd John Verse 9. There are various teachings… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abide, abideth, accept, according, and, another, answered, anyhone, as, ask, astray, attend, be, bible, biblical, blood, body, book, but, by, came, can, can't, Christ, Christians, clean, come, comes, days, dead, Deceived, devils, did't, died, do, doctrine, does, drink, each, ead, eat, equipped, everything, Father, flesh, followers, from, gain, glorified, God, grace, had, hath, heaven, himself, his, holiday, Holy, if, insert Scriptures, instruct, jesus, kill, know, knowledge, learned, led, life, like, lived, look, Lord, loving, make, mankind, Many, men, moons, name, neither, new, no, not, nothwithstanding, one, other, our, perfect, please, prayer, professing, profited, reconcile, reject, releasing, respect, resurrected, right, roadmap, Sabbath, salvation, say, shall, side, sins, sitting, Son, studying, Sunday, take, teaching, that, the, there, to, took, transgresseth, truth, unclean, upon, various, very, was, way, we, well, what, whatsoever, when, whereas, whosever, Word, worship, would
In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind – Job 12:10. With everything that is going on in the world, this is not the time to lose faith or live… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepted, allow, although, any, applied, away, be, because, become, Being, believe, bible, can't, cars, change, Christ, Christian, Christians, connected, death, degrees, Deliverance, denominations, desire, didn't, doctrines, done, door, dying, everyday, everyone, everything, faith, fallen, false, feared, feel, follow, following, free, from, gods, good, have, head, hearse, him, humanly, hypocrispy, in, indoctrinated, insgtructions, Instructions, into, is, jesus, knock, lead, life, live, lose, make, manual, Many, meaning, meet, money, more, multiplied, must, needs, nor, not, on, order, other, our, payday, people, please, prepared, prophets, read, receive, religion, return, reverenced, reward, save, Savior, saying, serve, shall, should, so, someone, something, standards, stay, stepped, strie, supply, take, tenacity, than, that, their, them, themselves, therefore, thinking, this, time, try, we, whatever, when, which ever, whomever, will, with, without, world, you, your
For they provoked Him to anger with their high places and moved Him to jealousy with their graven images – Psalm 78:57. Many of God’s people are committing spiritual adultery; they have left their first love and have… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, accepted salvation, adultery, Advents, allow, also, although, among, and, anger, any, are, bad, baptism, be, become, between, bible, bride, came, can, caught, Christ, Christians, come, committing, cursing, day, denomination, died, don't, ears, eyes, fact, false, feed, feels, first, flesh, for, fornication, from, gates, given, go, godliness, gods, gossiping, grave, graven, greater, has, hates, have, heaven, high, him, his, images, in, instructed, Islam, jealousy, jesus, Jews, just, left, like, list, Lord, love, Many, marriages, men, mixed, Mornois, most, moved, name, natural, neither, no, on, other, out, people, person, physical, place, places, provoked, raised, receives, religions, salvation, saved, scripture, sense, separate, seriousness, seven, since, spirital, stealing, such, talking, the, their, them, there, they, touch, under, understand, ungodliness, unification, up, used, was, watchful, we, what, when, whether, with, witness, world, you
Tag: other
Updated on February 2, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son – 2nd John Verse 9. There are various teachings… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abide, abideth, accept, according, and, another, answered, anyhone, as, ask, astray, attend, be, bible, biblical, blood, body, book, but, by, came, can, can't, Christ, Christians, clean, come, comes, days, dead, Deceived, devils, did't, died, do, doctrine, does, drink, each, ead, eat, equipped, everything, Father, flesh, followers, from, gain, glorified, God, grace, had, hath, heaven, himself, his, holiday, Holy, if, insert Scriptures, instruct, jesus, kill, know, knowledge, learned, led, life, like, lived, look, Lord, loving, make, mankind, Many, men, moons, name, neither, new, no, not, nothwithstanding, one, other, our, perfect, please, prayer, professing, profited, reconcile, reject, releasing, respect, resurrected, right, roadmap, Sabbath, salvation, say, shall, side, sins, sitting, Son, studying, Sunday, take, teaching, that, the, there, to, took, transgresseth, truth, unclean, upon, various, very, was, way, we, well, what, whatsoever, when, whereas, whosever, Word, worship, would
Stay Connected To Jesus
Updated on January 1, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind – Job 12:10. With everything that is going on in the world, this is not the time to lose faith or live… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepted, allow, although, any, applied, away, be, because, become, Being, believe, bible, can't, cars, change, Christ, Christian, Christians, connected, death, degrees, Deliverance, denominations, desire, didn't, doctrines, done, door, dying, everyday, everyone, everything, faith, fallen, false, feared, feel, follow, following, free, from, gods, good, have, head, hearse, him, humanly, hypocrispy, in, indoctrinated, insgtructions, Instructions, into, is, jesus, knock, lead, life, live, lose, make, manual, Many, meaning, meet, money, more, multiplied, must, needs, nor, not, on, order, other, our, payday, people, please, prepared, prophets, read, receive, religion, return, reverenced, reward, save, Savior, saying, serve, shall, should, so, someone, something, standards, stay, stepped, strie, supply, take, tenacity, than, that, their, them, themselves, therefore, thinking, this, time, try, we, whatever, when, which ever, whomever, will, with, without, world, you, your
Spiritual Adultery
Updated on November 17, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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For they provoked Him to anger with their high places and moved Him to jealousy with their graven images – Psalm 78:57. Many of God’s people are committing spiritual adultery; they have left their first love and have… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, accepted salvation, adultery, Advents, allow, also, although, among, and, anger, any, are, bad, baptism, be, become, between, bible, bride, came, can, caught, Christ, Christians, come, committing, cursing, day, denomination, died, don't, ears, eyes, fact, false, feed, feels, first, flesh, for, fornication, from, gates, given, go, godliness, gods, gossiping, grave, graven, greater, has, hates, have, heaven, high, him, his, images, in, instructed, Islam, jealousy, jesus, Jews, just, left, like, list, Lord, love, Many, marriages, men, mixed, Mornois, most, moved, name, natural, neither, no, on, other, out, people, person, physical, place, places, provoked, raised, receives, religions, salvation, saved, scripture, sense, separate, seriousness, seven, since, spirital, stealing, such, talking, the, their, them, there, they, touch, under, understand, ungodliness, unification, up, used, was, watchful, we, what, when, whether, with, witness, world, you
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