Instructions are for the benefit of the person who reads them and applies what they have read. Many professing Christians will not take the time to read and study the Bible; this is just as important as breathing!
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepting, and, applies, apply, are, as, because, Being, believe, benefit, bible, body, books, bylaws, bypass, can't, carnal, carry, cause, causes, charm, Christian, Christians, close, collect, commanded, created, daily, done, dust, eating, either, else, employed, employee, end up, eternal, every, everything, except, fail, fellowship, felt, follow, for, fro, gathered, God, hath, have, haven't, he, healthy, heard, heaven, hell, her, him, his, if, important, in, instructed, Instructions, is, Isaiah, Jeremiah, just, keep, knowing, learn, life, like, likely, living, Lord, loves, lucky, Many, mate, misled, mission, mouth, my, never, none, not, of, one, organization's, out, people, person, placed, plan, pray, praying, presence, professing, professional, prophet, rather, read, reading, religion, required, responsibility, responsible, right, roll, salvation, scrolls, seek, shall, so, something, soul, speaking, spend, spirit, spoken, statement, still, strong, study, studying, take, taking, temporal, than, the, their, them, there, these, they, think, this, time, to, transformed, trouble, unaware, undernourished, unto, upon, vain, voice, want, wants, was, what, which, who, will, would, written, wrote, you, you're, your
Tag: if
Updated on February 2, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son – 2nd John Verse 9. There are various teachings… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abide, abideth, accept, according, and, another, answered, anyhone, as, ask, astray, attend, be, bible, biblical, blood, body, book, but, by, came, can, can't, Christ, Christians, clean, come, comes, days, dead, Deceived, devils, did't, died, do, doctrine, does, drink, each, ead, eat, equipped, everything, Father, flesh, followers, from, gain, glorified, God, grace, had, hath, heaven, himself, his, holiday, Holy, if, insert Scriptures, instruct, jesus, kill, know, knowledge, learned, led, life, like, lived, look, Lord, loving, make, mankind, Many, men, moons, name, neither, new, no, not, nothwithstanding, one, other, our, perfect, please, prayer, professing, profited, reconcile, reject, releasing, respect, resurrected, right, roadmap, Sabbath, salvation, say, shall, side, sins, sitting, Son, studying, Sunday, take, teaching, that, the, there, to, took, transgresseth, truth, unclean, upon, various, very, was, way, we, well, what, whatsoever, when, whereas, whosever, Word, worship, would
Read And Apply Instructions
Updated on January 10, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Instructions are for the benefit of the person who reads them and applies what they have read. Many professing Christians will not take the time to read and study the Bible; this is just as important as breathing!
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepting, and, applies, apply, are, as, because, Being, believe, benefit, bible, body, books, bylaws, bypass, can't, carnal, carry, cause, causes, charm, Christian, Christians, close, collect, commanded, created, daily, done, dust, eating, either, else, employed, employee, end up, eternal, every, everything, except, fail, fellowship, felt, follow, for, fro, gathered, God, hath, have, haven't, he, healthy, heard, heaven, hell, her, him, his, if, important, in, instructed, Instructions, is, Isaiah, Jeremiah, just, keep, knowing, learn, life, like, likely, living, Lord, loves, lucky, Many, mate, misled, mission, mouth, my, never, none, not, of, one, organization's, out, people, person, placed, plan, pray, praying, presence, professing, professional, prophet, rather, read, reading, religion, required, responsibility, responsible, right, roll, salvation, scrolls, seek, shall, so, something, soul, speaking, spend, spirit, spoken, statement, still, strong, study, studying, take, taking, temporal, than, the, their, them, there, these, they, think, this, time, to, transformed, trouble, unaware, undernourished, unto, upon, vain, voice, want, wants, was, what, which, who, will, would, written, wrote, you, you're, your
The Bible Instructions
Updated on October 27, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 4:16). God has given us a choice to either submit ourselves to His instructions or follow our desires. Professing… Read More
Category: Word of the Day Tags: according, against, an, and, any, are, assistance, attending, away, bank, because, becomes, before, behold, believers, Bible Study', can, carry, cars, chage, choice, Christ, Christians, come, conformed, consecrate, creation, creature, dangerous, day, desire, desires, directing, do, doing, door, each, education, either, emotional, empower, empowerment, eternity, Father, flesh, follow, Gift, given, God, godly, grow, guilt, has, hear, heart, higher, his, Holy Spirit, homes, if, important, impurity, indicates, Instructions, into, invest, jesus, ked, knock, lead, led, life, lifestyle, likely, listen, live, longer, Lord, Lust, make, mid-week, most, movies, music, my, nature, new, not, occurred, old, only, open, our, ourselves, over-eating, own, participate, passed, people, person, pray, professing, programs, progress, rather, read, receive, receives, salvation, saved, say, says, scheduliing, secular, set, sexual, sinful, something, sometimes, sons, spirit, spiritual, spiritually, stand, still, study, submissive, submit, Sunday School, than, that, the, their, them, themselves, therefore, they, things, this, those, time, transforme, unction, voice, walk, walking, watch, way, were, what, when, will, within, without, Word, would, written, you, your, yourself
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