This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 4:16). God has given us a choice to either submit ourselves to His instructions or follow our desires. Professing… Read More
Category: Word of the Day Tags: according, against, an, and, any, are, assistance, attending, away, bank, because, becomes, before, behold, believers, Bible Study', can, carry, cars, chage, choice, Christ, Christians, come, conformed, consecrate, creation, creature, dangerous, day, desire, desires, directing, do, doing, door, each, education, either, emotional, empower, empowerment, eternity, Father, flesh, follow, Gift, given, God, godly, grow, guilt, has, hear, heart, higher, his, Holy Spirit, homes, if, important, impurity, indicates, Instructions, into, invest, jesus, ked, knock, lead, led, life, lifestyle, likely, listen, live, longer, Lord, Lust, make, mid-week, most, movies, music, my, nature, new, not, occurred, old, only, open, our, ourselves, over-eating, own, participate, passed, people, person, pray, professing, programs, progress, rather, read, receive, receives, salvation, saved, say, says, scheduliing, secular, set, sexual, sinful, something, sometimes, sons, spirit, spiritual, spiritually, stand, still, study, submissive, submit, Sunday School, than, that, the, their, them, themselves, therefore, they, things, this, those, time, transforme, unction, voice, walk, walking, watch, way, were, what, when, will, within, without, Word, would, written, you, your, yourself
Tag: movies
Let’s Talk About Satan
Posted on October 11, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it – Job 1:7. Job was a… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accomplishments, adultery, adversary, alcoholics, allowing, angel, army, authority, baptism, Baptized, battle, bottom, carry, cartoons, character, Christians, committing, communicating, curse, darkness, demon spirits, desire, died, directly, disasters, disobeyed, drugs, earth, enforce, eye, fallen, feet, fight, followers, force, fornicating, forsaken, give, glory, heaven, humanity, influence, innocent, Instructions, introdoctrinate, lives, movies, music, opposite, overdose, people, power, praising, profanity, profanity', professing, read, rebelled, riches, sailor, Satan, servants, spirit, study, supposed, take, talk, thinking, unless, unseen, victory, weaponry, will
His Body
Updated on January 31, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God… Read More
Category: Word of the Day Tags: abide, accepted, according, actions, after, against, agreeing, anything, apply, are, as, attend, been, beings, believer, belong, bible, bodies, body, bought, but, can't, children, Christ, Christian, Christians, church, confessing, continue, contract, daily, dangerous, don't, engrafted, enter, entertainment, everybody, evil, faithful, faithless, fits, fooled, for, Gifts, God, godly spirits, good, habit, has, have, heaven, Heavenly Father, his, instructed, Instructions, into, jesus, know, lie, lifestyle, listen, live, Lord, Many, movies, much, music, must, non-believers, not, opposite, our, part, pray, prepared, price, read, rejoin, returning, rules, sad, Satan, Savior, service, serving, shall, show, signed, spiritual, still, study, submitting, teaching, that, the, them, themselves, they, thinking, those, truth, us, was, what, who, will, with, Word, world, written, your
The Bible Instructions
Updated on October 27, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 4:16). God has given us a choice to either submit ourselves to His instructions or follow our desires. Professing… Read More
Category: Word of the Day Tags: according, against, an, and, any, are, assistance, attending, away, bank, because, becomes, before, behold, believers, Bible Study', can, carry, cars, chage, choice, Christ, Christians, come, conformed, consecrate, creation, creature, dangerous, day, desire, desires, directing, do, doing, door, each, education, either, emotional, empower, empowerment, eternity, Father, flesh, follow, Gift, given, God, godly, grow, guilt, has, hear, heart, higher, his, Holy Spirit, homes, if, important, impurity, indicates, Instructions, into, invest, jesus, ked, knock, lead, led, life, lifestyle, likely, listen, live, longer, Lord, Lust, make, mid-week, most, movies, music, my, nature, new, not, occurred, old, only, open, our, ourselves, over-eating, own, participate, passed, people, person, pray, professing, programs, progress, rather, read, receive, receives, salvation, saved, say, says, scheduliing, secular, set, sexual, sinful, something, sometimes, sons, spirit, spiritual, spiritually, stand, still, study, submissive, submit, Sunday School, than, that, the, their, them, themselves, therefore, they, things, this, those, time, transforme, unction, voice, walk, walking, watch, way, were, what, when, will, within, without, Word, would, written, you, your, yourself
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