Instructions are for the benefit of the person who reads them and applies what they have read. Many professing Christians will not take the time to read and study the Bible; this is just as important as breathing!
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepting, and, applies, apply, are, as, because, Being, believe, benefit, bible, body, books, bylaws, bypass, can't, carnal, carry, cause, causes, charm, Christian, Christians, close, collect, commanded, created, daily, done, dust, eating, either, else, employed, employee, end up, eternal, every, everything, except, fail, fellowship, felt, follow, for, fro, gathered, God, hath, have, haven't, he, healthy, heard, heaven, hell, her, him, his, if, important, in, instructed, Instructions, is, Isaiah, Jeremiah, just, keep, knowing, learn, life, like, likely, living, Lord, loves, lucky, Many, mate, misled, mission, mouth, my, never, none, not, of, one, organization's, out, people, person, placed, plan, pray, praying, presence, professing, professional, prophet, rather, read, reading, religion, required, responsibility, responsible, right, roll, salvation, scrolls, seek, shall, so, something, soul, speaking, spend, spirit, spoken, statement, still, strong, study, studying, take, taking, temporal, than, the, their, them, there, these, they, think, this, time, to, transformed, trouble, unaware, undernourished, unto, upon, vain, voice, want, wants, was, what, which, who, will, would, written, wrote, you, you're, your
Tag: you
The Issue of Blood
Updated on January 30, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an (flow) issue of blood twelve years came behind him, and touched the hem of His garment – Matthew 9:20. The woman was diseased with a constant issue of blood… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: all, also, and, anoiting, answer, approaching, as, ay, be, been, behold, believed, blood, bow, but, came, can, ceremonially, closing, condition, constant, could, courts, cure, cut, did, didn't, different, disease, diseased, doesn't, dominion, doors, emotionally, faith, financially, from, fullness, garment, greater, had, hands, has, have, he, he's, heal, Healing, heard, hem, her, herself, him, his, house, how, infirmity, issue, jesus, keep, knife, lay, long, lords, matter, mentally, modesty, money, nature, neighborhood, none, not, of, one, only, openly, others, ou, over, overflowing, physically, physicians, place, placed, power, prayer, realizing, received, relationship, relief, rendered, saying, seeking, senses, she, shut, sickness, sought, speak, spent, spoke, such, suffer, surgeon, surgical, tahn, th, than, that, the, this, thought, touched, tried, twele, twelve, unclean, until, uour, us, very, virtue, was, weakening, when, whether, which, will, with, without, woman, would, years, you
Sheep Clothing
Updated on January 22, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves – Matthew 7:15. Spiritual wolves come to destroy the sheep and make the sheep believe lies. They say the right words… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acepted, against, anyway, are, as, attack, be, because, been, believe, beware, bible, Bibles, book, brings, came, can, Christianity, church, clothing, come, conformity, congregants, converts, destroy, destroyed, discernment, doctrine, does, doesn't, don't, everyone, false, fro, from, generation, giving, God, gods, goes, grace, grow, guide, he, Holy, instruction, inwardly, is, just, keeps, leading, led, lies, lifestyle, live, make, Many, millions, new, nothing, offend, pa;atable, path, peopl, permission, phones, plausible, pleasant, pleasing, praying, preachers, prophets, ravening, right, Satan, say, seem, sheep, shields, sin, sinful, spiritual, stay, suppose, that, the, their, them, they, those, to, towards, true, unity, us, using, way, weren't, which, without, wolves, would, wrath, yes, you
Read And Apply Instructions
Updated on January 10, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Instructions are for the benefit of the person who reads them and applies what they have read. Many professing Christians will not take the time to read and study the Bible; this is just as important as breathing!
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepting, and, applies, apply, are, as, because, Being, believe, benefit, bible, body, books, bylaws, bypass, can't, carnal, carry, cause, causes, charm, Christian, Christians, close, collect, commanded, created, daily, done, dust, eating, either, else, employed, employee, end up, eternal, every, everything, except, fail, fellowship, felt, follow, for, fro, gathered, God, hath, have, haven't, he, healthy, heard, heaven, hell, her, him, his, if, important, in, instructed, Instructions, is, Isaiah, Jeremiah, just, keep, knowing, learn, life, like, likely, living, Lord, loves, lucky, Many, mate, misled, mission, mouth, my, never, none, not, of, one, organization's, out, people, person, placed, plan, pray, praying, presence, professing, professional, prophet, rather, read, reading, religion, required, responsibility, responsible, right, roll, salvation, scrolls, seek, shall, so, something, soul, speaking, spend, spirit, spoken, statement, still, strong, study, studying, take, taking, temporal, than, the, their, them, there, these, they, think, this, time, to, transformed, trouble, unaware, undernourished, unto, upon, vain, voice, want, wants, was, what, which, who, will, would, written, wrote, you, you're, your
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