I, John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation (persecution), and in the kingdom and patience (perseverance) of Jesus Christ was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, according, after, age, allow, and, angel, anyone, anything, apostolic, army, as, attention, basis, be, became, believe, bible, blessings, book, both, busy, can't, clarity, closer, conversation, daily, day, death, designed, destruction, discernment, disciples, doctrine, done, draw, dull, ear, ears, either, else, everyone, evil, example, exiled, exposure, fight, first, focused, follow, follower, followers, following, for, from, future, gave, get, given, gods, good, Gospel, guide, happen, haters, hear, heart, hidden, him, image, instruction, Instructions, island, isolation, jesus, keep, lead, leader, led, life, lived, Lord, made, make, matter, means, meant, molding, more, narrow, nonbelievers, now, occur, only, path, perish, persecution, person, pleasant, preaching, prepare, preparing, presence, professed, program, prophecies, punishment, refers, regarding, revelation, revelation. hear, Satan's, Savior, saw, say, see, seem, sensitive, serve, sheep, shortly, showing, shown, soldier, spiritual, strict, subject, telling, testifying, the, themselves, things, thinking, through, title, to, together, under, understanding, unveiling, voice, want, was, way, what, when, who, without, Word, worked, world, yoke
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves – Matthew 7:15. Spiritual wolves come to destroy the sheep and make the sheep believe lies. They say the right words… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acepted, against, anyway, are, as, attack, be, because, been, believe, beware, bible, Bibles, book, brings, came, can, Christianity, church, clothing, come, conformity, congregants, converts, destroy, destroyed, discernment, doctrine, does, doesn't, don't, everyone, false, fro, from, generation, giving, God, gods, goes, grace, grow, guide, he, Holy, instruction, inwardly, is, just, keeps, leading, led, lies, lifestyle, live, make, Many, millions, new, nothing, offend, pa;atable, path, peopl, permission, phones, plausible, pleasant, pleasing, praying, preachers, prophets, ravening, right, Satan, say, seem, sheep, shields, sin, sinful, spiritual, stay, suppose, that, the, their, them, they, those, to, towards, true, unity, us, using, way, weren't, which, without, wolves, would, wrath, yes, you
Updated on May 29, 2023 by Angela
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The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acknowledges, action, addressed, against, are, ask, behind, Being, but, can, can't, change, come, completely, confidence, deliver, Deliverance, desolation, different, directs, don't, enemies, even, faint, follow, for, forsake, from, get, God, good, goodness, heal, helps, his, holiness, how, hunting, jealous, jesus, journey, just, keep, keeps, kill, lack, lead, leading, leave, led, lie, longer, longsuffering, Lord, makes, Many, matter, merciful, minds, needs, never, not, nourished, off, over, path, peace, perfect, place, places, prayer, praying, promised, protects, provides, rebel, regret, regurgitate, rejection, repent, rest, righteousness, running, save, Savior, scripture, shall, sheep, Shepherd, shoiuld, stayed, still, study, submitted, supplied, supply, sure, test, that, them, themselves, thinking, this, through, together, trials, Trust, until, use, victory, voice, want, watches, watching, waters, when, where, wherever, whose, will, willing, Word, worry, would, you, your, yourself
Tag: sheep
Isolated To Receive Revelation
Updated on January 26, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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I, John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation (persecution), and in the kingdom and patience (perseverance) of Jesus Christ was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, according, after, age, allow, and, angel, anyone, anything, apostolic, army, as, attention, basis, be, became, believe, bible, blessings, book, both, busy, can't, clarity, closer, conversation, daily, day, death, designed, destruction, discernment, disciples, doctrine, done, draw, dull, ear, ears, either, else, everyone, evil, example, exiled, exposure, fight, first, focused, follow, follower, followers, following, for, from, future, gave, get, given, gods, good, Gospel, guide, happen, haters, hear, heart, hidden, him, image, instruction, Instructions, island, isolation, jesus, keep, lead, leader, led, life, lived, Lord, made, make, matter, means, meant, molding, more, narrow, nonbelievers, now, occur, only, path, perish, persecution, person, pleasant, preaching, prepare, preparing, presence, professed, program, prophecies, punishment, refers, regarding, revelation, revelation. hear, Satan's, Savior, saw, say, see, seem, sensitive, serve, sheep, shortly, showing, shown, soldier, spiritual, strict, subject, telling, testifying, the, themselves, things, thinking, through, title, to, together, under, understanding, unveiling, voice, want, was, way, what, when, who, without, Word, worked, world, yoke
Sheep Clothing
Updated on January 22, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves – Matthew 7:15. Spiritual wolves come to destroy the sheep and make the sheep believe lies. They say the right words… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acepted, against, anyway, are, as, attack, be, because, been, believe, beware, bible, Bibles, book, brings, came, can, Christianity, church, clothing, come, conformity, congregants, converts, destroy, destroyed, discernment, doctrine, does, doesn't, don't, everyone, false, fro, from, generation, giving, God, gods, goes, grace, grow, guide, he, Holy, instruction, inwardly, is, just, keeps, leading, led, lies, lifestyle, live, make, Many, millions, new, nothing, offend, pa;atable, path, peopl, permission, phones, plausible, pleasant, pleasing, praying, preachers, prophets, ravening, right, Satan, say, seem, sheep, shields, sin, sinful, spiritual, stay, suppose, that, the, their, them, they, those, to, towards, true, unity, us, using, way, weren't, which, without, wolves, would, wrath, yes, you
David’s Prayer
Updated on May 29, 2023 by Angela
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The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acknowledges, action, addressed, against, are, ask, behind, Being, but, can, can't, change, come, completely, confidence, deliver, Deliverance, desolation, different, directs, don't, enemies, even, faint, follow, for, forsake, from, get, God, good, goodness, heal, helps, his, holiness, how, hunting, jealous, jesus, journey, just, keep, keeps, kill, lack, lead, leading, leave, led, lie, longer, longsuffering, Lord, makes, Many, matter, merciful, minds, needs, never, not, nourished, off, over, path, peace, perfect, place, places, prayer, praying, promised, protects, provides, rebel, regret, regurgitate, rejection, repent, rest, righteousness, running, save, Savior, scripture, shall, sheep, Shepherd, shoiuld, stayed, still, study, submitted, supplied, supply, sure, test, that, them, themselves, thinking, this, through, together, trials, Trust, until, use, victory, voice, want, watches, watching, waters, when, where, wherever, whose, will, willing, Word, worry, would, you, your, yourself
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