Isolated To Receive Revelation
I, John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation (persecution), and in the kingdom and patience (perseverance) of Jesus Christ was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:9).
John was exiled to Patmos for preaching the Word of God and testifying as a witness of Jesus Christ. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is the title of the book of Revelation.
The revelation is both from Christ and about Christ. Jesus Christ is the revelation of God Himself. God gave the revelation to Christ to be shown to John by an angel.
Spiritual wolves come to destroy the sheep and make the sheep believe lies. They say the right words that make them seem plausible, palatable, and pleasant. If you don’t have spiritual discernment, you will be led from the narrow path to a path where you can live in any way you want without the instructions of the Bible to guide you.
The word “revelation” refers to an unveiling or exposure of God’s program for the the world through Jesus Christ. Revelation also means to receive an understanding or clarity of a subject or matter. John was one of Jesus’ disciples and a follower of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. He became the apostolic leader of the church at Ephesus following the death of Paul and the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome.
John was an example of a Christian who professed it and lived according to what he professed. He was exiled to the island of Patmos to keep him from preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. His haters meant it for evil but God made it worked together for his good. While on the island of Patmos, he was given a revelation by an angel. The book’s prophecies will occur shortly after the day of the Lord, meaning the end of this age may begin at any time following the Rapture.
Being on the Isle of Patmos, God had John’s strict attention. John saw his isolation as persecution from his haters, but God had it designed to give him the revelation of what would happen in the world’s future. Like John, we, as Christians who have turned our backs to the world and strictly focused on how to please God, will be placed in isolation.
Nonbelievers and carnal Christians may not want to be around you because of the presence of God in your life and your conversation regarding your Lord and your Savior. You’re thinking only about the persecution, but God is isolating you to reveal some things to you. Isolation causes one to draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, and studying God’s Word. The closer we draw to Him, the more sensitive we are to His voice and Spirit.
This world is coming to an end; God is preparing His army, and He is also preparing His people. Don’t fret because He has isolated you; isolation is a blessing, not punishment. Isolation is a place where you will become sensitive to His voice, sensitive to His leading and an ear and heart to receive what He’s showing and telling you.
He’s preparing you to have a closer relationship with Him; He’s preparing you to be a soldier. He’s preparing you to lead others to Him and to defend those who can’t fight for themselves. Many don’t believe the world will ever end, but God has set an appointed time when this world will end. God does not want anyone to perish, but He has given everyone free will to either serve Him or serve themselves and Satan. Isolation is where He’s molding you, shaping you into His image. It’s a place where you will receive your instructions because now you are ready to hear from the Lord, and now you are ready to follow His instructions.
As Christians, we need to go in isolation to get instructions from God. God wants us to take time and meet with Him on a daily basis, and sometimes we will allow others and things to get in the way of meeting with God. God does not want us to place anyone or anything before Him; when we do, we have made the person or thing or God.
God wants to be first in our life, not in between or giving Him the leftovers when we have given everything and everyone our first attention. Many Christians have placed their favorite program first, social media. God is jealous; He does not want us to place anything before Him.
Who do you find yourself praising the most, who do you give most of your attention to? God understands we have to work and have other obligations, but He wants us to place Him first, and when we do, He will ensure we get everything else done.
When we’re busy under Satan’s yoke (busy), we can’t hear from God; our ears will be dull to hear. Isolation gives us a quiet time to meditate on the Word of God, and God will reveal hidden things when we’re in isolation.
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, according, after, age, allow, and, angel, anyone, anything, apostolic, army, as, attention, basis, be, became, believe, bible, blessings, book, both, busy, can't, clarity, closer, conversation, daily, day, death, designed, destruction, discernment, disciples, doctrine, done, draw, dull, ear, ears, either, else, everyone, evil, example, exiled, exposure, fight, first, focused, follow, follower, followers, following, for, from, future, gave, get, given, gods, good, Gospel, guide, happen, haters, hear, heart, hidden, him, image, instruction, Instructions, island, isolation, jesus, keep, lead, leader, led, life, lived, Lord, made, make, matter, means, meant, molding, more, narrow, nonbelievers, now, occur, only, path, perish, persecution, person, pleasant, preaching, prepare, preparing, presence, professed, program, prophecies, punishment, refers, regarding, revelation, revelation. hear, Satan's, Savior, saw, say, see, seem, sensitive, serve, sheep, shortly, showing, shown, soldier, spiritual, strict, subject, telling, testifying, the, themselves, things, thinking, through, title, to, together, under, understanding, unveiling, voice, want, was, way, what, when, who, without, Word, worked, world, yoke
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Last Updated: January 26, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Isolated To Receive Revelation
I, John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation (persecution), and in the kingdom and patience (perseverance) of Jesus Christ was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:9).
John was exiled to Patmos for preaching the Word of God and testifying as a witness of Jesus Christ. The Revelation of Jesus Christ is the title of the book of Revelation.
The revelation is both from Christ and about Christ. Jesus Christ is the revelation of God Himself. God gave the revelation to Christ to be shown to John by an angel.
Spiritual wolves come to destroy the sheep and make the sheep believe lies. They say the right words that make them seem plausible, palatable, and pleasant. If you don’t have spiritual discernment, you will be led from the narrow path to a path where you can live in any way you want without the instructions of the Bible to guide you.
The word “revelation” refers to an unveiling or exposure of God’s program for the the world through Jesus Christ. Revelation also means to receive an understanding or clarity of a subject or matter. John was one of Jesus’ disciples and a follower of the doctrine of Jesus Christ. He became the apostolic leader of the church at Ephesus following the death of Paul and the destruction of Jerusalem by Rome.
John was an example of a Christian who professed it and lived according to what he professed. He was exiled to the island of Patmos to keep him from preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. His haters meant it for evil but God made it worked together for his good. While on the island of Patmos, he was given a revelation by an angel. The book’s prophecies will occur shortly after the day of the Lord, meaning the end of this age may begin at any time following the Rapture.
Being on the Isle of Patmos, God had John’s strict attention. John saw his isolation as persecution from his haters, but God had it designed to give him the revelation of what would happen in the world’s future. Like John, we, as Christians who have turned our backs to the world and strictly focused on how to please God, will be placed in isolation.
Nonbelievers and carnal Christians may not want to be around you because of the presence of God in your life and your conversation regarding your Lord and your Savior. You’re thinking only about the persecution, but God is isolating you to reveal some things to you. Isolation causes one to draw closer to God through prayer, fasting, and studying God’s Word. The closer we draw to Him, the more sensitive we are to His voice and Spirit.
This world is coming to an end; God is preparing His army, and He is also preparing His people. Don’t fret because He has isolated you; isolation is a blessing, not punishment. Isolation is a place where you will become sensitive to His voice, sensitive to His leading and an ear and heart to receive what He’s showing and telling you.
He’s preparing you to have a closer relationship with Him; He’s preparing you to be a soldier. He’s preparing you to lead others to Him and to defend those who can’t fight for themselves. Many don’t believe the world will ever end, but God has set an appointed time when this world will end. God does not want anyone to perish, but He has given everyone free will to either serve Him or serve themselves and Satan. Isolation is where He’s molding you, shaping you into His image. It’s a place where you will receive your instructions because now you are ready to hear from the Lord, and now you are ready to follow His instructions.
As Christians, we need to go in isolation to get instructions from God. God wants us to take time and meet with Him on a daily basis, and sometimes we will allow others and things to get in the way of meeting with God. God does not want us to place anyone or anything before Him; when we do, we have made the person or thing or God.
God wants to be first in our life, not in between or giving Him the leftovers when we have given everything and everyone our first attention. Many Christians have placed their favorite program first, social media. God is jealous; He does not want us to place anything before Him.
Who do you find yourself praising the most, who do you give most of your attention to? God understands we have to work and have other obligations, but He wants us to place Him first, and when we do, He will ensure we get everything else done.
When we’re busy under Satan’s yoke (busy), we can’t hear from God; our ears will be dull to hear. Isolation gives us a quiet time to meditate on the Word of God, and God will reveal hidden things when we’re in isolation.
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, according, after, age, allow, and, angel, anyone, anything, apostolic, army, as, attention, basis, be, became, believe, bible, blessings, book, both, busy, can't, clarity, closer, conversation, daily, day, death, designed, destruction, discernment, disciples, doctrine, done, draw, dull, ear, ears, either, else, everyone, evil, example, exiled, exposure, fight, first, focused, follow, follower, followers, following, for, from, future, gave, get, given, gods, good, Gospel, guide, happen, haters, hear, heart, hidden, him, image, instruction, Instructions, island, isolation, jesus, keep, lead, leader, led, life, lived, Lord, made, make, matter, means, meant, molding, more, narrow, nonbelievers, now, occur, only, path, perish, persecution, person, pleasant, preaching, prepare, preparing, presence, professed, program, prophecies, punishment, refers, regarding, revelation, revelation. hear, Satan's, Savior, saw, say, see, seem, sensitive, serve, sheep, shortly, showing, shown, soldier, spiritual, strict, subject, telling, testifying, the, themselves, things, thinking, through, title, to, together, under, understanding, unveiling, voice, want, was, way, what, when, who, without, Word, worked, world, yoke
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