Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abusers, adulterous, agents, altar, and, another, approach, are, assembling, attending, be, because, been, before, behavior, behind, Being, bible, Bible Study', biggest, blinded, body, bring, can't, cannot, chaotic, characteristics, child, child-abusers, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Christians, church, city, connected, conversation, daily, dark, days, demonstrate, destroy, did, difference, disciples, disgrace, don't, education, employment, every, exhortation, exhorting, eyes, faith, fame, family, fasting, Father, first, follow, for, fornicators, forsaking, found, foundation, fruit, glorify, God, going, good, goodness, has, have, heaven, heavenly, hid, hidden, hiding, hill, him, himself, his, home, homes, human, hypocrite, I'm, in, is, joy, just, know, let, liars, life, life-style, light, like, long-suffering, look, looked, love, made, manifest, manner, meekness, men, mindful, minister, ministering, money, months, name, nature, need, needs, not, obedience, obey, of, on, once, others, our, ourselves, peace, people, persistent, place, pray, prayer, preaching, presence, professing, prospecitve, pulpit, read, reading, realize, receive, representing, respect, reverance, reverence, righteousness, Satan, saying, school, schools, see, servant, service, shape, shine, showing, sim, sin, some, someone, speech, state, stay, staying, studying, Sunday, survive, taught, television, temperance, that, the, their, themselves, this, those, through, together, towards, tract, true, truth, until, unto, upon, uses, usually, vessels, watching, were, where, whether, which, who, whoever, whom, Word, work, works, world, worshiper, yield, your, yourselves
Tag: days
Updated on February 2, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son – 2nd John Verse 9. There are various teachings… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abide, abideth, accept, according, and, another, answered, anyhone, as, ask, astray, attend, be, bible, biblical, blood, body, book, but, by, came, can, can't, Christ, Christians, clean, come, comes, days, dead, Deceived, devils, did't, died, do, doctrine, does, drink, each, ead, eat, equipped, everything, Father, flesh, followers, from, gain, glorified, God, grace, had, hath, heaven, himself, his, holiday, Holy, if, insert Scriptures, instruct, jesus, kill, know, knowledge, learned, led, life, like, lived, look, Lord, loving, make, mankind, Many, men, moons, name, neither, new, no, not, nothwithstanding, one, other, our, perfect, please, prayer, professing, profited, reconcile, reject, releasing, respect, resurrected, right, roadmap, Sabbath, salvation, say, shall, side, sins, sitting, Son, studying, Sunday, take, teaching, that, the, there, to, took, transgresseth, truth, unclean, upon, various, very, was, way, we, well, what, whatsoever, when, whereas, whosever, Word, worship, would
The Sabbath
Updated on November 13, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy – Exodus 20:8. The law of the Ten Commandments is a law of God’s making. It is a law of His own speaking. This law that was given through the… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepting, actions, after, all, already, another, apart, appeared, around, aside, ask, assembled, assembling, away, became, becasue, because, been, before, begin, Being, believe, believer, believers, between, bible, bind, bondage, but, certain, chosen, Christians, church, commandments, community, completed, considered, covenant, creation, crept, cross, day, days, directed, distiniction, doctrine, doing, each, emerfing, emerging, engaged, era, even, evening, events, every, failed, false, fearful, following, forgiven, fourth, from, fulfilled, gathering, given, God, governed, harvest, have, heart, hearts, hell, his, Holy, indicates, instituted, Instructions, intimated, is, jesus, just, keep, kept, labor, law, let, longer, makes, making, means, minds, neighbors, non-believer, not, observance, observe, observed, observence, of, old, one, opposite, other, others, outward, own, pagnism, people, placing, prior, privilege, pulled, rather, read, regulations, religion, remember, repent, repenting, respect, rest, resurrection, returning, reverenced, Sabbath, Saturday, seasons, serve, set, seven, seventh, should, sign, sins, six, social, some, special, specifically, study, submit, Sunday, sunset, synagogues, take, teachers, teaches, teaching, tempting, Ten Commandments, Testament, than, that, the, thei, their, themselves, they, through, time, together, true, turning, various, was, week, well, were, which, while, whilw, whole, will, Word, work, worshiip
Light of the World
Posted on October 16, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abusers, adulterous, agents, altar, and, another, approach, are, assembling, attending, be, because, been, before, behavior, behind, Being, bible, Bible Study', biggest, blinded, body, bring, can't, cannot, chaotic, characteristics, child, child-abusers, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Christians, church, city, connected, conversation, daily, dark, days, demonstrate, destroy, did, difference, disciples, disgrace, don't, education, employment, every, exhortation, exhorting, eyes, faith, fame, family, fasting, Father, first, follow, for, fornicators, forsaking, found, foundation, fruit, glorify, God, going, good, goodness, has, have, heaven, heavenly, hid, hidden, hiding, hill, him, himself, his, home, homes, human, hypocrite, I'm, in, is, joy, just, know, let, liars, life, life-style, light, like, long-suffering, look, looked, love, made, manifest, manner, meekness, men, mindful, minister, ministering, money, months, name, nature, need, needs, not, obedience, obey, of, on, once, others, our, ourselves, peace, people, persistent, place, pray, prayer, preaching, presence, professing, prospecitve, pulpit, read, reading, realize, receive, representing, respect, reverance, reverence, righteousness, Satan, saying, school, schools, see, servant, service, shape, shine, showing, sim, sin, some, someone, speech, state, stay, staying, studying, Sunday, survive, taught, television, temperance, that, the, their, themselves, this, those, through, together, towards, tract, true, truth, until, unto, upon, uses, usually, vessels, watching, were, where, whether, which, who, whoever, whom, Word, work, works, world, worshiper, yield, your, yourselves
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