Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abusers, adulterous, agents, altar, and, another, approach, are, assembling, attending, be, because, been, before, behavior, behind, Being, bible, Bible Study', biggest, blinded, body, bring, can't, cannot, chaotic, characteristics, child, child-abusers, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Christians, church, city, connected, conversation, daily, dark, days, demonstrate, destroy, did, difference, disciples, disgrace, don't, education, employment, every, exhortation, exhorting, eyes, faith, fame, family, fasting, Father, first, follow, for, fornicators, forsaking, found, foundation, fruit, glorify, God, going, good, goodness, has, have, heaven, heavenly, hid, hidden, hiding, hill, him, himself, his, home, homes, human, hypocrite, I'm, in, is, joy, just, know, let, liars, life, life-style, light, like, long-suffering, look, looked, love, made, manifest, manner, meekness, men, mindful, minister, ministering, money, months, name, nature, need, needs, not, obedience, obey, of, on, once, others, our, ourselves, peace, people, persistent, place, pray, prayer, preaching, presence, professing, prospecitve, pulpit, read, reading, realize, receive, representing, respect, reverance, reverence, righteousness, Satan, saying, school, schools, see, servant, service, shape, shine, showing, sim, sin, some, someone, speech, state, stay, staying, studying, Sunday, survive, taught, television, temperance, that, the, their, themselves, this, those, through, together, towards, tract, true, truth, until, unto, upon, uses, usually, vessels, watching, were, where, whether, which, who, whoever, whom, Word, work, works, world, worshiper, yield, your, yourselves
Tag: minister
Light of the World
Posted on October 16, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abusers, adulterous, agents, altar, and, another, approach, are, assembling, attending, be, because, been, before, behavior, behind, Being, bible, Bible Study', biggest, blinded, body, bring, can't, cannot, chaotic, characteristics, child, child-abusers, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Christians, church, city, connected, conversation, daily, dark, days, demonstrate, destroy, did, difference, disciples, disgrace, don't, education, employment, every, exhortation, exhorting, eyes, faith, fame, family, fasting, Father, first, follow, for, fornicators, forsaking, found, foundation, fruit, glorify, God, going, good, goodness, has, have, heaven, heavenly, hid, hidden, hiding, hill, him, himself, his, home, homes, human, hypocrite, I'm, in, is, joy, just, know, let, liars, life, life-style, light, like, long-suffering, look, looked, love, made, manifest, manner, meekness, men, mindful, minister, ministering, money, months, name, nature, need, needs, not, obedience, obey, of, on, once, others, our, ourselves, peace, people, persistent, place, pray, prayer, preaching, presence, professing, prospecitve, pulpit, read, reading, realize, receive, representing, respect, reverance, reverence, righteousness, Satan, saying, school, schools, see, servant, service, shape, shine, showing, sim, sin, some, someone, speech, state, stay, staying, studying, Sunday, survive, taught, television, temperance, that, the, their, themselves, this, those, through, together, towards, tract, true, truth, until, unto, upon, uses, usually, vessels, watching, were, where, whether, which, who, whoever, whom, Word, work, works, world, worshiper, yield, your, yourselves
Updated on September 4, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled – Matthew 5:6 To thirst is the discomfort caused by a need for water, a strong desire or craving. Jesus began His sermon… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: abuse, accepting, actions, all, allow, and, are, around, as, be, before, began, Being, body, by, can't, caused, Christ, Christians, contradicting, craving, darkness, daughters, desire, discomfort, do, dying, Father, focus, for, gibe, God, has, heaven, help, his, hunger, instructed, its, jesus, like, livng, longer, losts, love, manifested, meaning, minister, must, need, needs, nees, not, on, only, or, order, own, ready, receive, representative, righteousness, salvation, see, seems, sermon, serve, set, shall, shine, sins, sons, spirit, sthings, strange, strong, take, the, things, thining, thinking, thirsty, this, thplaces, through, time, to, touch, unclean, unto, us, use, want, water, way, what, when, will, winding, with, Words, world's, your
Walking In Agreement
Updated on June 1, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Can two walk together, except they be agreed – Amos 3:3 The children of Israel wouldn’t regard the words of counsel that God had spoken to them, and now they shall be made to hear the word of… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, against, agree, agreement, along, among, anxiety, any, anyone, appear, approaching, away, because, begin, between, body, bring, can't, children, Christians, coiuld, comfortable, coming, committed, communion, confusion, congregation, continued, counsel, deeds, delivered, Depression, directly, disagree, expect, faith, fellowship, first, flee, from, given, God, happening, has, have, healed, Healing, hear, him, honor, immediately, in, infirmities, influence, judgment, judgments, known, Lord, made, make, making, manner, minister, most, necessarry, not, nothing, now, oppression, otherwise, peace, peculiar, people, practicing, prior, profess, promised, prophets, receive, received, regard, repent, reproof, responsibility, revelation, Satan, shall, should, sin, sins, speak, speaking, spiritual, spoken, stripes, submit, suppression, that, their, them, there, they, those, thoughts, torment, tries, turn, unconfessed, ungodly, unless, until, upon, vindicate, walking, when, where, who, whom, with, Words, wouldn't
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