P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058


Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled – Matthew 5:6

To thirst is the discomfort caused by a need for water, a strong desire or craving. Jesus began His sermon with words contradicting the world’s way of thinking and living.

If we want to live for God, we must be ready to say and do what seems strange to the world. We must be willing to give when others take, love when others hate, help when others abuse, and give up our own rights in order to serve others. This is a hunger for righteousness.

God needs us to be His representative and His minister. The darkness of sin is all around us, and He needs our life to shine like a bright light. When our behavior and character are the world’s behavior and character, there is no light shining in the darkness. The body of Christ can’t be as the world through our thinking and actions. The only Jesus they will see is His Spirit being manifested in us through Him to a dying world.

The body of Christ has lost its thirst for the things of God, and this is why He has instructed us to focus on things of heaven  (Set your affection {mind} on things above, not on things of the earth – Colossians 3:2). There is no longer a thirst to hear the Word of God, no longer a thirst to attend Sunday School, and Bible Study as well as Worship Service. We attend church when we want to. As Christians, we should always be glad to go into the house of God. The prayer life of a believer should be daily. We have to set aside time to spend with God in prayer, and we will not allow anything or anyone to take that time away from us.

We need time to read and study the Word of God and allow His Word to cleanse and purge our thinking; we need to know Scripture so that when the trials of life beat upon us, we will know what and what not to do. Prayer, fasting, and reading and studying the Word of God will begin to create in us the image of God and His Son. There are places and things a believer shouldn’t be involved in (Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, and I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord – 2nd Corinthians 6:17-18). 

Christians should no longer be as they were before accepting salvation (Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new – 2nd Corinthians 5:17). Meaning the places and things we use to do, we no longer have the desire to do them, and if the desire is still there, we don’t fulfill the desire because we know it’s against the Word of God. A consistent prayer life will bring dedication to God; the desires that we used to have will fade away when we begin to cleanse ourselves through prayer and reading the Bible.

God is not dead; He’s still saving, sanctifying, healing the sick, and raising the dead, but in order to receive the manifestation of His power in the life of the believer, we must become subject to His Word. We must assemble ourselves to hear the Word of God, not just on Sunday, but mid-week service to empower us to live Christian lives. We must not only join a church, but we must join ourselves with God and His Son.

God needs vessels to manifest Himself through, but no want to sacrifice themselves to be used by God, but they will allow Satan to use them because it does not take an effort on their part.  We don’t want to sacrifice our time for prayer, but we will allow the television to capture our attention for hours.

Many would rather look at their phones, following other people, rather than taking time to read the Bible to get to know God through His written Word. They do not want to fast to make their human influences die and the spirit man to take over and dominate.

Christians are thirsting for the things of the world rather than God. They’re trying to make God be in competition with the things of the world. God will leave you where you are and allow you to die in your sins before He is in competition with anyone or anything.

Time is winding up, and Jesus is on His way back for His church. Pray that God will give you a thirst for the things of God and not the things of the world.

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