Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy – Exodus 20:8. The law of the Ten Commandments is a law of God’s making. It is a law of His own speaking. This law that was given through the… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepting, actions, after, all, already, another, apart, appeared, around, aside, ask, assembled, assembling, away, became, becasue, because, been, before, begin, Being, believe, believer, believers, between, bible, bind, bondage, but, certain, chosen, Christians, church, commandments, community, completed, considered, covenant, creation, crept, cross, day, days, directed, distiniction, doctrine, doing, each, emerfing, emerging, engaged, era, even, evening, events, every, failed, false, fearful, following, forgiven, fourth, from, fulfilled, gathering, given, God, governed, harvest, have, heart, hearts, hell, his, Holy, indicates, instituted, Instructions, intimated, is, jesus, just, keep, kept, labor, law, let, longer, makes, making, means, minds, neighbors, non-believer, not, observance, observe, observed, observence, of, old, one, opposite, other, others, outward, own, pagnism, people, placing, prior, privilege, pulled, rather, read, regulations, religion, remember, repent, repenting, respect, rest, resurrection, returning, reverenced, Sabbath, Saturday, seasons, serve, set, seven, seventh, should, sign, sins, six, social, some, special, specifically, study, submit, Sunday, sunset, synagogues, take, teachers, teaches, teaching, tempting, Ten Commandments, Testament, than, that, the, thei, their, themselves, they, through, time, together, true, turning, various, was, week, well, were, which, while, whilw, whole, will, Word, work, worshiip
Tag: turning
The Sabbath
Updated on November 13, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy – Exodus 20:8. The law of the Ten Commandments is a law of God’s making. It is a law of His own speaking. This law that was given through the… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepting, actions, after, all, already, another, apart, appeared, around, aside, ask, assembled, assembling, away, became, becasue, because, been, before, begin, Being, believe, believer, believers, between, bible, bind, bondage, but, certain, chosen, Christians, church, commandments, community, completed, considered, covenant, creation, crept, cross, day, days, directed, distiniction, doctrine, doing, each, emerfing, emerging, engaged, era, even, evening, events, every, failed, false, fearful, following, forgiven, fourth, from, fulfilled, gathering, given, God, governed, harvest, have, heart, hearts, hell, his, Holy, indicates, instituted, Instructions, intimated, is, jesus, just, keep, kept, labor, law, let, longer, makes, making, means, minds, neighbors, non-believer, not, observance, observe, observed, observence, of, old, one, opposite, other, others, outward, own, pagnism, people, placing, prior, privilege, pulled, rather, read, regulations, religion, remember, repent, repenting, respect, rest, resurrection, returning, reverenced, Sabbath, Saturday, seasons, serve, set, seven, seventh, should, sign, sins, six, social, some, special, specifically, study, submit, Sunday, sunset, synagogues, take, teachers, teaches, teaching, tempting, Ten Commandments, Testament, than, that, the, thei, their, themselves, they, through, time, together, true, turning, various, was, week, well, were, which, while, whilw, whole, will, Word, work, worshiip
The Wrong Foundation
Updated on January 23, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now, if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble. Every man’s work shall be made manifest for… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: able, ago, anyway, are, asking, awaits, because, began, believers, bible, blinded, building, built, causes, caving, choir, Christian, church, churches, clapping, come, compromises, conform, confront, congregation, dancing, delivered, demonstration, denomination, doesn't, either, emotions, enable, even, eyes, far, find, foundation, God, godliness, good, grow, hands, have, heads, heard, influenced, influencing, instructs, just, known, large, last, leaders, left, life, live, looked, Lord, Many, members, mentioned, more, natural, not, other, passed, people, prayer, presence, professing, rather, receiving, responsible, right, same, sanctification, Satan, saying, seeking, shouting, sickness, sin, some, sometimes, sounds, still, storms, structure, take, tellling, that, them, they, think, those, true, turning, twenty, using, wanted, went, were, where, who, will, without, Word, world, wrong, years
Callous Heart
Posted on September 7, 2013 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge: and their honorable men are famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst. Therefore hell hath enlarged herself and opened her mouth without measure, and their… Read More
Category: Word of the Day Tags: blessings, brough, captivity, Christians, deaf, death, descend, destroy, dried, ear, emotions, enlarged, exiled, exposes, famished, glory, God, hell, Holy, honorable, Israel, judgement, knowledge, laws, love, measure, men, mind, multitude, natural, opened, penalty, people, place, rejoice, religion, selfish, sin, thirst, turning, will
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