Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy – Exodus 20:8. The law of the Ten Commandments is a law of God’s making. It is a law of His own speaking. This law that was given through the… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepting, actions, after, all, already, another, apart, appeared, around, aside, ask, assembled, assembling, away, became, becasue, because, been, before, begin, Being, believe, believer, believers, between, bible, bind, bondage, but, certain, chosen, Christians, church, commandments, community, completed, considered, covenant, creation, crept, cross, day, days, directed, distiniction, doctrine, doing, each, emerfing, emerging, engaged, era, even, evening, events, every, failed, false, fearful, following, forgiven, fourth, from, fulfilled, gathering, given, God, governed, harvest, have, heart, hearts, hell, his, Holy, indicates, instituted, Instructions, intimated, is, jesus, just, keep, kept, labor, law, let, longer, makes, making, means, minds, neighbors, non-believer, not, observance, observe, observed, observence, of, old, one, opposite, other, others, outward, own, pagnism, people, placing, prior, privilege, pulled, rather, read, regulations, religion, remember, repent, repenting, respect, rest, resurrection, returning, reverenced, Sabbath, Saturday, seasons, serve, set, seven, seventh, should, sign, sins, six, social, some, special, specifically, study, submit, Sunday, sunset, synagogues, take, teachers, teaches, teaching, tempting, Ten Commandments, Testament, than, that, the, thei, their, themselves, they, through, time, together, true, turning, various, was, week, well, were, which, while, whilw, whole, will, Word, work, worshiip
Tag: events
The Sabbath
Updated on November 13, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy – Exodus 20:8. The law of the Ten Commandments is a law of God’s making. It is a law of His own speaking. This law that was given through the… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accepting, actions, after, all, already, another, apart, appeared, around, aside, ask, assembled, assembling, away, became, becasue, because, been, before, begin, Being, believe, believer, believers, between, bible, bind, bondage, but, certain, chosen, Christians, church, commandments, community, completed, considered, covenant, creation, crept, cross, day, days, directed, distiniction, doctrine, doing, each, emerfing, emerging, engaged, era, even, evening, events, every, failed, false, fearful, following, forgiven, fourth, from, fulfilled, gathering, given, God, governed, harvest, have, heart, hearts, hell, his, Holy, indicates, instituted, Instructions, intimated, is, jesus, just, keep, kept, labor, law, let, longer, makes, making, means, minds, neighbors, non-believer, not, observance, observe, observed, observence, of, old, one, opposite, other, others, outward, own, pagnism, people, placing, prior, privilege, pulled, rather, read, regulations, religion, remember, repent, repenting, respect, rest, resurrection, returning, reverenced, Sabbath, Saturday, seasons, serve, set, seven, seventh, should, sign, sins, six, social, some, special, specifically, study, submit, Sunday, sunset, synagogues, take, teachers, teaches, teaching, tempting, Ten Commandments, Testament, than, that, the, thei, their, themselves, they, through, time, together, true, turning, various, was, week, well, were, which, while, whilw, whole, will, Word, work, worshiip
Sound Of The Trumpet
Updated on October 13, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump (trumpet) of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accompanying, alive, all, and, archangel, at, be, because, before, believe, bible, bodies, bone, but, can, carrying, caught, Christ, Christian, Christians, cloud, clouds, coming, conflict, consisting, culminating, Daniel, day, dead, descend, descent, died, different, elements, English, events, ever, every, final, first, flesh, from, gives, glorifed, God, GPS, great, Great Tribulation, have, heaven, himself, immortal, incorruptible, instantaneously, involving, judgment, Latin, leader, lifestyle, like, Lord, Many, meaning, meet, Michael, not, occurrence, occurring, of, perhaps, phase, point, profess, rapid, rapio, rapture, receiving, rejected, remain, resurected, resurrected, return, rise, salvtaion, Satan, saved, separate, shall, shout, signal, so, sound, speaks, spiritual, start, succession, than, that, them, then, there, these, this, those, three, time, together, torment, triumph, trump, trumpet, up, victory, voice, we, week, where, which, who, will, with, years, yet
Time of Testing
Updated on May 22, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience – James 1:2-3. The time of testing comes not to destroy us but to strengthen our… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: ability, agency, allow, alone, among, and, another, appeared, asked, attack, away, baptism, because, become, been, befell, before, believer, best, blessed, burned, but, came, care, child, children, Christian, come, comes, considered, content, could't, couldn't, curse, day, destroy, died, disastere, down, earth, enable, escape, events, everythong, evil, face, faith, felt, fire, four, freedo, from, gain, get, God, going', grow, hart, hated, have, his, Holy Spirit, how, human, life, Lord, lost, loved, man, material, natural, never, not, offered, our, permission, physically, present, same, Satan, seek, servan, servants, serving, slain, sons, soul, sources, speaking, spiritually, steadfastness, strengthen, take, taking, tehm, test, testing, themselves, there, thought, through, time, today's, told, took, touch, uprightly, walked, walking, was, were, whe, will, wind, without, yet
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