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The Mind

And be not conformed to this world : but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,that ye may prove what is that good , and acceptable, and perfect will of God -Romans 12:2 – The mind is amazing, it’s like a computer; it sends signals to other parts of the body and download instructions for each body part to function. The mind is also like a sponge, it soaks in what it sees and hears and sends it to the heart; and what is filtrated into the heart begin to manifest itself in our character and behavior. You can continue to say “I have a headache or I’m sick” as you continue to say it, the body will begin to feel what you’re speaking to it.  It all starts with the mind, this why God has instructed the Christian through the Apostle Paul, not to be conformed to this world, indicating we should resist being poured into the mold of secular thinking, value system and this world’s conduct. The only way our minds can be transformed is by the Word of God. As we read the Word of God, hear the Word of God and submit to the Word of God only then will our minds and hearts be transformed to understand what;s good and acceptable and the will of God.

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