For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God – 1st Peter… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acceptable, according, actioins, actions, allowed, anything, applying, are, assurance, at, because, behavior, beievers, bible, blemish, body, book, bound, boy, but, camp, can, carnal, carnality, character, choice, Christ, Christians, church, coming, concerning, conditions, condone, conduct, conformed, confront, congregants, conviction, Creator, daily, day, death, develop, didn't, display, does, door, enmity, enter, entertaining, equip, eternal, every, expects, faith, faithfully, familiar, fastig, Father, fellow, format, free, genuin, God, godly, going, good, have, hearts, heaven, hell, hold, Holy Spirit, house, how, indwelling, influences, inner, Instructions, is, judgment, keep, knocking, know, knowing, knowledg, known, lake, left, listening, live, lives, living, local, looking, lost, made, majority, Many, means, meet, men, minds, Ministers, ministry, need, neighbors, nine, not, obedience, only, ordained, order, our, part, pastors, people, places, power, prepared, produce, professing, reading, received, remain, repomsible, requirements, residing, response, return, Revelaion, Russia Roulette, saying, sent, should, sin, some, spirit, spite, spot, start, state, studying, subject, take, that, them, they, things, this, those, though, thounsand, through, toward, truth, tryng, two, understand, unfeigned, volitional, was, way, were, what, whereas, whom, why, will, without, witness, work, world's, wouldn't, wrinkle, written, wrong, years
Tag: character
Pursuing Holiness
Posted on May 16, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you. And be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters,… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: accept, accepted, accompanied, according, actions, adhering, after, against, allow, and, appointed, are, as, aspects, baptism, because, before, begotten, bible, but, carnal, character, choice, Christ, Christians, come, continue, creation, daily, death, dependent, desire, desires, develop, die, directive, doing, employers, enter, entering, eternity, ever, every, everyone, expecting, failed, feed, first, fleshly, follow, for, from, fruit, given, God, going, gowth, has, he, hearts, heaven, hell, help, his, holds, holiness, Holy Spirit, iimmediately, instructed, Instructions, is, jesus, jobs, judgment, just, keep, life, live, lives, living, make, Many, mature, means, men, months, more, must, nature, new, nine, nor, nothing, once, only, ourselves, peol, perish, please, practice, professing, purusing, rather, read, reading, receives, relying, revealed, righteous, salvation, says, seeking, self=examination, serving, should, sinned, sins, so, Son, spend, spirit, spiritual, standards, still, studying, submitted, take, tehm, the, their, there, they, thinking', through, totally, us, walk, wants, was, way, we're, what, where, will, with, within, woerld, world, written, years, yes
Judgment At The House of God
Updated on May 8, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God – 1st Peter… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acceptable, according, actioins, actions, allowed, anything, applying, are, assurance, at, because, behavior, beievers, bible, blemish, body, book, bound, boy, but, camp, can, carnal, carnality, character, choice, Christ, Christians, church, coming, concerning, conditions, condone, conduct, conformed, confront, congregants, conviction, Creator, daily, day, death, develop, didn't, display, does, door, enmity, enter, entertaining, equip, eternal, every, expects, faith, faithfully, familiar, fastig, Father, fellow, format, free, genuin, God, godly, going, good, have, hearts, heaven, hell, hold, Holy Spirit, house, how, indwelling, influences, inner, Instructions, is, judgment, keep, knocking, know, knowing, knowledg, known, lake, left, listening, live, lives, living, local, looking, lost, made, majority, Many, means, meet, men, minds, Ministers, ministry, need, neighbors, nine, not, obedience, only, ordained, order, our, part, pastors, people, places, power, prepared, produce, professing, reading, received, remain, repomsible, requirements, residing, response, return, Revelaion, Russia Roulette, saying, sent, should, sin, some, spirit, spite, spot, start, state, studying, subject, take, that, them, they, things, this, those, though, thounsand, through, toward, truth, tryng, two, understand, unfeigned, volitional, was, way, were, what, whereas, whom, why, will, without, witness, work, world's, wouldn't, wrinkle, written, wrong, years
Going Through the Process
Updated on April 19, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers (various trials) temptations, knowing this, that the trying (testing) of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: ability, allows, already, are, aren't, arises, around, aware, beauty, because, bring, can't, character, children, closer, coiuntenance, come, comes, commissioned, conquer, delivered, depth, different, direct, distresses, do, doesn't, don't, dormant, during, enticement, every, everyone, evil, express, faith, fire, flesh, flowing, from, get, goimg, going, good, growth, happy, have, hearts, him, honey, how, joyful, know, knows, land, live, living, lose, matter, mean, milk, more, most, never, not, our, outlook, people, place, positive, pressure, pretend, prison, process, profit, provokes, react, really, refers, rejoicing, results, reward, sad, seem, set, shouldn't, side, sin, sometimes, spirit, spiritual, strong, such, temptation, test, testing, the, them, there, things, think, thorns, though, through, together, trial, trials, trouble, troubling, try, under, until, victory, was, way, we, weary, were, while, will, with, Word, work
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