For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God – 1st Peter… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acceptable, according, actioins, actions, allowed, anything, applying, are, assurance, at, because, behavior, beievers, bible, blemish, body, book, bound, boy, but, camp, can, carnal, carnality, character, choice, Christ, Christians, church, coming, concerning, conditions, condone, conduct, conformed, confront, congregants, conviction, Creator, daily, day, death, develop, didn't, display, does, door, enmity, enter, entertaining, equip, eternal, every, expects, faith, faithfully, familiar, fastig, Father, fellow, format, free, genuin, God, godly, going, good, have, hearts, heaven, hell, hold, Holy Spirit, house, how, indwelling, influences, inner, Instructions, is, judgment, keep, knocking, know, knowing, knowledg, known, lake, left, listening, live, lives, living, local, looking, lost, made, majority, Many, means, meet, men, minds, Ministers, ministry, need, neighbors, nine, not, obedience, only, ordained, order, our, part, pastors, people, places, power, prepared, produce, professing, reading, received, remain, repomsible, requirements, residing, response, return, Revelaion, Russia Roulette, saying, sent, should, sin, some, spirit, spite, spot, start, state, studying, subject, take, that, them, they, things, this, those, though, thounsand, through, toward, truth, tryng, two, understand, unfeigned, volitional, was, way, were, what, whereas, whom, why, will, without, witness, work, world's, wouldn't, wrinkle, written, wrong, years
Tag: response
Judgment At The House of God
Updated on May 8, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God – 1st Peter… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: acceptable, according, actioins, actions, allowed, anything, applying, are, assurance, at, because, behavior, beievers, bible, blemish, body, book, bound, boy, but, camp, can, carnal, carnality, character, choice, Christ, Christians, church, coming, concerning, conditions, condone, conduct, conformed, confront, congregants, conviction, Creator, daily, day, death, develop, didn't, display, does, door, enmity, enter, entertaining, equip, eternal, every, expects, faith, faithfully, familiar, fastig, Father, fellow, format, free, genuin, God, godly, going, good, have, hearts, heaven, hell, hold, Holy Spirit, house, how, indwelling, influences, inner, Instructions, is, judgment, keep, knocking, know, knowing, knowledg, known, lake, left, listening, live, lives, living, local, looking, lost, made, majority, Many, means, meet, men, minds, Ministers, ministry, need, neighbors, nine, not, obedience, only, ordained, order, our, part, pastors, people, places, power, prepared, produce, professing, reading, received, remain, repomsible, requirements, residing, response, return, Revelaion, Russia Roulette, saying, sent, should, sin, some, spirit, spite, spot, start, state, studying, subject, take, that, them, they, things, this, those, though, thounsand, through, toward, truth, tryng, two, understand, unfeigned, volitional, was, way, were, what, whereas, whom, why, will, without, witness, work, world's, wouldn't, wrinkle, written, wrong, years
Updated on May 2, 2023 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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If there come any unto you. and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him Godspeed. For he that biddeth him, Godspeed is partaker of his evil deeds – 2nd John Verses 10-11…. Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: about, accept, also, another, answer, are, as, avoid, belief, bible, blinded, bring, but, can, changes, children, Christians, come, community, completely, deceiver, deceivers, deliver, differen, different, divine, doctrine, don't, endorse, everyone, fall, fallen, false, flesh, follow, for, forbidden, give, good, have, heal, hear, heart, her, him, himself, human, influenced, inside, Instructions, jesus, just, keep, know, knowlege, learn, left, listen, majority, man, meet, mind, Ministers, name, never, not, once, one, only, others, out, over, people, pray, prayerfully, praying, prophet, rather, read, reading, rebellion, receive, refers, refuse, reject, response, responsibility, revelation, same, Satan, says, scriptures, search, seek, sense, serve, shoujld, should, show, something, Son, speak, spirit, subtle, supply, Teach, teachers, teaching, that, the, their, them, themselves, they, thinking, thought, transformed, true, truth, up, visit, ways, when, where, which, who, will, world, worship, written
Grafted Into The Promise
Updated on March 27, 2024 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
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Thou wilt say then, the branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. Well; because of unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not high-minded, but fear – Romans 11:19:20. Salvation is… Read More
Category: Inspirational Tags: among, aroused, believer, both, branches, called, caution, church, citizenship, contends, conversting, converted, credited, day, demannds, dispersed, faith, Finally, forward, Gentile, Gospel, graft, granted, gratitude, immediately, included, inspirational motivation christian, living, nation, part, pride, promise, prosperous, rabbinic, received, recognized, response, rigorist, salvation, sin, throughout, training, widely
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