Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). We all have a difficulty at times believing people and especially those who supposed to have been our providers such as parents, care-givers or spiritual leaders and spouses that disappointed us, but we have a God we can always place our trust in Him and His Word. God never changes, He is the same yesterday, today and forever.God is someone we can go to anytime and anywhere in prayer and He will hear our prayers and will answer them according to His will. How do, we know the will of God, it’s through His Word? This why we should always take the time and read the Bible, seeking to find out what is God saying to us.When you don’t know what to do, you can find it through prayer and the Word of God. We should acknowledge God when we’re making decisions that will have an impact in our lives in our presence and future. God knows what is best for us and it may not be what we desire, but it’s His desire for us. A lot of mistake we have made could have been avoided, if we would have taken the time to pray and allowed God to speak to our hearts or directed us through His Word.
Category: Word of the Day Tags: and, avoided, been, believing, best, bible, care-givers, decisions, desire, difficulty, direct, especially, find, Forever, future, God, have, hear, hearts, him, in, know, leaders, lean, Lord, mistake, never, oakce, own, parents, paths, people, prayer, presence, providers, seeking, shall, spiritual, spouses, supposed, those, time, times, today, Trust, understanding, with, yesterday
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Posted: September 21, 2013 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). We all have a difficulty at times believing people and especially those who supposed to have been our providers such as parents, care-givers or spiritual leaders and spouses that disappointed us, but we have a God we can always place our trust in Him and His Word. God never changes, He is the same yesterday, today and forever.God is someone we can go to anytime and anywhere in prayer and He will hear our prayers and will answer them according to His will. How do, we know the will of God, it’s through His Word? This why we should always take the time and read the Bible, seeking to find out what is God saying to us.When you don’t know what to do, you can find it through prayer and the Word of God. We should acknowledge God when we’re making decisions that will have an impact in our lives in our presence and future. God knows what is best for us and it may not be what we desire, but it’s His desire for us. A lot of mistake we have made could have been avoided, if we would have taken the time to pray and allowed God to speak to our hearts or directed us through His Word.
Category: Word of the Day Tags: and, avoided, been, believing, best, bible, care-givers, decisions, desire, difficulty, direct, especially, find, Forever, future, God, have, hear, hearts, him, in, know, leaders, lean, Lord, mistake, never, oakce, own, parents, paths, people, prayer, presence, providers, seeking, shall, spiritual, spouses, supposed, those, time, times, today, Trust, understanding, with, yesterday
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