And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He said, Thus shall thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you – Exodus 3:14
God is the God with many names, He is the God that never changes, and the God that is always with us no matter what we may be going through. He is the God that walks besides us when we’re in the valley, when our backs are up against a wall, when our thoughts are moving faster than we can keep up with or make sense of. He’s there to make everything line up with His word.
Some know Him as God, the Creator. Others may know Him as the God that knows all, sees and hears all. Others may know Him as the Son of God. He’s known as a battle-ax, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Lily of the Valley, the Word of God. He’s known as the Great Physician and Healer. He’s known as peace that surpasses all human understanding. He’s a mountain mover. He’s the God that can make nothing to something. He’s the God you can call anytime, night or day. He’s the God that is stronger than anything we can go through. He is the God that nothing is a surprise to Him. He’s the God of the beginning and ending. He’s the God that will always be with us!
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Last Updated: December 14, 2015 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
I Am That I Am
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He said, Thus shall thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you – Exodus 3:14
God is the God with many names, He is the God that never changes, and the God that is always with us no matter what we may be going through. He is the God that walks besides us when we’re in the valley, when our backs are up against a wall, when our thoughts are moving faster than we can keep up with or make sense of. He’s there to make everything line up with His word.
Some know Him as God, the Creator. Others may know Him as the God that knows all, sees and hears all. Others may know Him as the Son of God. He’s known as a battle-ax, Mighty God, Prince of Peace, Lily of the Valley, the Word of God. He’s known as the Great Physician and Healer. He’s known as peace that surpasses all human understanding. He’s a mountain mover. He’s the God that can make nothing to something. He’s the God you can call anytime, night or day. He’s the God that is stronger than anything we can go through. He is the God that nothing is a surprise to Him. He’s the God of the beginning and ending. He’s the God that will always be with us!
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