Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man (woman) hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup (dine) with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20.
Although Israel was God’s chosen people; all nations were grafted into sonship through the Jews rejecting the salvation that was sent to them from God through His Son, Jesus. Jesus is the door that leads to God; there is no other way we can get to Him but through His Son.
Through all the different god’s people serve, there is only one God, the Creator of mankind. God has always used a spokesperson to lead and guide His people. Abraham was chosen by God to be an example of faith and leadership. Abraham didn’t choose God, God chose him and brought him out from his family who served pagan gods. God chose Moses to lead His people out of bondage from serving as slaves in Egyp; Israel continued to go into bondage by other kings because of their disobedience.
God, finally sent His Son to be the redeemer of all mankind. Jesus’ death and resurrection were for all people, not just a selected few. Jesus is our High Priest who’s sitting at the right hand of God continually making intercessions for the believer. In order to become a son or daughter of God, one must believe that Jesus is the Son of God. In order to grow spiritually, the believer must have a consistent prayer life, keeping them connected to the Father and Son. Studying the Word of God gives the instructions of what God expects out of them as professing Christians, also coupled with fasting to reject ungodly influences.
Every religion created under heaven; the people are God’s creation (There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard – Psalm 19:3). God has to be worshiped and reverence as God; and His Son, Jesus as the Savior of mankind. Salvation is faith; believing that Jesus died for your sins and through Him, you can be saved from the wrath of God and become His child. Everyone is His creation, but everyone is not His child. What so awesome about God is that you don’t have to believe the word of a man, but if you really want to know God, praying with a sincere heart for Him to reveal Himself to you, He will; no matter what nationality you are.
It is through Jesus our prayers are being answered through faith in Him. He’s the One going to the Father on our behalf. God has given us many promises that He will keep, but in order to find Him, you have to seek Him with your whole heart (And ye shall seek me, and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart – Jeremiah 29:13).
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Last Updated: November 25, 2017 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
God of All Nations
Behold I stand at the door, and knock: if any man (woman) hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him, and will sup (dine) with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20.
Although Israel was God’s chosen people; all nations were grafted into sonship through the Jews rejecting the salvation that was sent to them from God through His Son, Jesus. Jesus is the door that leads to God; there is no other way we can get to Him but through His Son.
Through all the different god’s people serve, there is only one God, the Creator of mankind. God has always used a spokesperson to lead and guide His people. Abraham was chosen by God to be an example of faith and leadership. Abraham didn’t choose God, God chose him and brought him out from his family who served pagan gods. God chose Moses to lead His people out of bondage from serving as slaves in Egyp; Israel continued to go into bondage by other kings because of their disobedience.
God, finally sent His Son to be the redeemer of all mankind. Jesus’ death and resurrection were for all people, not just a selected few. Jesus is our High Priest who’s sitting at the right hand of God continually making intercessions for the believer. In order to become a son or daughter of God, one must believe that Jesus is the Son of God. In order to grow spiritually, the believer must have a consistent prayer life, keeping them connected to the Father and Son. Studying the Word of God gives the instructions of what God expects out of them as professing Christians, also coupled with fasting to reject ungodly influences.
Every religion created under heaven; the people are God’s creation (There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard – Psalm 19:3). God has to be worshiped and reverence as God; and His Son, Jesus as the Savior of mankind. Salvation is faith; believing that Jesus died for your sins and through Him, you can be saved from the wrath of God and become His child. Everyone is His creation, but everyone is not His child. What so awesome about God is that you don’t have to believe the word of a man, but if you really want to know God, praying with a sincere heart for Him to reveal Himself to you, He will; no matter what nationality you are.
It is through Jesus our prayers are being answered through faith in Him. He’s the One going to the Father on our behalf. God has given us many promises that He will keep, but in order to find Him, you have to seek Him with your whole heart (And ye shall seek me, and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart – Jeremiah 29:13).
Category: Inspirational Tags: believe, reverence, worship
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