P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

Surrender It to God Now

Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek (gently) and lowly in heart, and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light – Matthew 11:28-30 .

Whatever you may have been toiling with, give it to God and allow Him to work things out for you. Place your faith in God and not the situation or circumstances. Take your hands off of it and give it to God, for Him to work it out. What’s  impossible for you, is possible with God. Commit your life and every situation and circumstance to God, get to know Him, and you will learn anything that you go through, God will work it together for your good. His thoughts towards you are not evil, but good to bring you to an expected end. God’s desire for you is to prosper in every area of your life, not just monetarily. Money cannot give you peace of mind, money cannot heal you, money cannot mend a broken relationship, but God can. Learn about God and His Word and you will realize, you’re not defeated, but you are more than a conquer through His Son, Jesus the Christ of God!

You serve a Sovereign God,  One who is greater than anything that you have or will come into your life. He’s omnipotent, having all power when He speaks everything must listen and submit to His Word. He’s the God that took nothing and created the Universe and all that is in the Universe. He’s omniscient, knowing all things, past, present, and future. He’s omnipresent, He’s present in all places at the same time. When you pray, He distinguishes your prayer from everyone else’s prayer. He doesn’t confuse your prayer or needs with someone else’s prayer or need.

He hears your voice and knows who’s calling on Him. Have faith in God and in His Word, talk to Him, rely on Him, listen to Him, trust Him. Take God out of the box and allow Him to be the God that has no ending, the God that has power over everything, that speaks and creates, the God that is greater than sickness, the God that is greater than any need you may have, and allow Him to supply the need. Give your situation, circumstances, and issues to God. Pray until you have a release of faith to move God.

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