P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

Thank You!

Heavenly Father, as we approach You today with humbleness of heart, we just want to thank You for Your love for us. Thank You for Your faithfulness, thank You for Your protection, thank You for Your benefits each day. Thank You for there is no other God, but our God. God of holiness, God of righteousness, great and mighty God.You are high and lifted up; no one can reach Your heights or Your depths. You are the God that works in the impossible. You are our God and our Father, the God that has placed our sins in the sea of forgetfulness, thank You,  You didn’t have to do it, but You did, and we are thankful. Continue to draw us closer to You; Father continues to cleanse our hearts and our mind. We pray for our minds to be transformed by the Word of God.  We pray for our lives to be conformed to the Word of God.

Father gives us a hunger and thirst for You, help us to let go of everything in our life that does not glorify You. Help us to see one another through Your eyes, help us to love one another through Your heart. Your Word promise, if anyone shall call upon the name of the Lord they shall be saved. We’re calling on You today, Lord, help us to seek You with our whole hearts; help us not to be satisfied until we have touched Your hearts and until we feel Your presence. We’re calling on You to save us from self-destruction, save us from this world’s influences. Save us until godliness and righteousness are manifested in our behavior, in our character, in our cravings and desires.

Let Your love be with us until it pours out of us for the drug addict, for the liar, for every ungodly act a person can commit, help us to love the person and not the sin. We pray for the Spirit of repentance to rest upon the earth and people everywhere will begin to see their sins and repent. We pray for lost souls to be saved, we pray for religion to become godly, we pray for the homeless to be blessed with shelter. We pray for those who are held captive to be released. We pray for the broken-heart to be mended. We pray for those who are troubled in mind and spirit that Your peace that surpasses all human understanding rest upon them. We pray for those who have nothing, that You will speak to their nothing and make something. We pray for doctor’s reports to be canceled out, we pray for marriage to be healed. We pray for husbands and wives who walked out of their marriage to be reconciled.

Jesus, save us until we desire the sincere milk of God’s Word. Save us until we begin to search the Scriptures, save us until prayer becomes natural for us. Save us until we speak what Your Word says about us. All these prayers we ask in Your Sons’ name, Jesus the Son of God! Amen

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