P. O. Box 2252, Oak Park, Illinois 60303-2252 info@wordoflifeministries.org 773-544-0058

Leaving The Past

Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended, but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before – Philippians 3:13.

In order to go to our future, we must not reminisce on our past mistakes or actions. Many Christians are locked in the past and can’t get into the present; or think about their future for focusing on the past. Replaying in their minds what someone did, what they said. If they could return to the past they would have done it this way or that way. Sometimes remembering past actions can be beneficial by not making the same mistake again, but what others did or said can’t be changed. We can look at it with a different prospective through the mind of Jesus.

We have all done things we’re ashamed of, but because of our hope in Jesus, we can let go of past guilt and shame and look forward to what Jesus will help us become. Others may not forgive us for what we’ve done, but when we repent to God and ask for their forgiveness it doesn’t matter if they forgive or not, God did. There may have been people we hurt and we can’t ask for forgiveness for whatever reason, but if it’s in our heart to ask for forgiveness then God will accept our remorse of what was committed.

God doesn’t replay our actions when we have repented and ask for forgiveness, but Satan and people will replay it, keeping us in bondage if we allow them. Focusing on our past mistakes, will keep us from trying to have a relationship with God and grow in grace because we will feel like God hasn’t forgiving us. Or thinking what would be the use of praying because He will not hear the prayers. That’s a lie from Satan to keep us in bondage of guilt and shame. In order to grow in grace, we should confess our sins to God, ask for forgiveness, put the past behind, and focusing on pleasing God, focus on being a light in a dark world.

We should be growing from one glory to another in God, but we can’t do it, if we’re focusing on past behaviors and hurts. When we seek God with our whole heart, we don’t have time to focus on the past, when we’re focusing on the future and spiritual growth.  Every day we should have a desire to better than the day before.

This world will one day come to an end so will our lives, as Christians we should be focusing on our destiny to reach heaven and not hell. Leave the past behind, look towards the future and enjoy the present!

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