Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged [relieved] me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer – Psalm 4:1.
As we approach You, God, we pray if there are any sins we may have committed against You, Your people or ourselves, we ask that You would show us our sins, forgive us of our sins, and deliver us from our sins. You are the God that we can confess our sins to, and Your Word has promised, If we confess our sins, He faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness according to Your word 1st John 1:9. Thank You for forgiving us of our confessed sins! Thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You for Your compassion, and protection.
Our desire is to please You, give us the heart to worship You in spirit and in truth. Give us a heart that we would hide the Word of God in our hearts so that we would not sin against You. Give us a heart that we would hunger and thirst after righteousness. Give us a heart that we would have the heart of God, and the mind of Jesus Christ. Give us a heart that we would be rooted and grounded in You and Your Word. Give us a heart so that we would be full of faith in You and Your Word. Give us a heart that we would love You, and love Your people as You love them unconditionally.
Bless our neighbors, supply their needs according to Your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Heal blinded eyes naturally and spiritually. Open death ears, naturally and spiritually. Blessed the homeless, opened doors they can go in for shelter. Blessed those who are in need of employment, open doors that no man can shut. Let Your peace abide in those who have lost loved ones, quiet their minds, hearts, and spirit, help them to rest in You.
Help us to allow You to be our avenger and not take matters into our own hands. Give us the heart to wait on You, and allow Your glory to be manifested in our circumstances and situations. Give a visitation to those who are hospitalized, mental institutions, prison, jails, and nursing homes. Protect, Father the elderly, babies and little children. Help those who desire to have an encounter with You, manifest Yourself to them in such a way, they will know they have had an encounter with You.
Bless every marriage You have ordained, remove what needs to be destroyed, and make the marriages be what You ordained marriages to be, what You desire them to be. Hide us and our loved ones from stray bullets, people and things that would harm us. Help the children to be obedient to their parents, help them to excel academically. Help us to be good parents, give us the wisdom and knowledge we need to train our children.
Visit those that are incarnated, bring justice by You and not by man, free those who have been incarnated and are innocent, return to them what was taken. Have mercy and help women in foreign countries that are being mistreated and brutalized. Protect the women and children from abusers. Protect those who have to stand in the dark to go to their places of employment. Direct those who don’t know which way to go. Bless those who have nothing, take their nothing and make something, give them the miracle they need.
Bless the men and women of God that are professing to be ministers to represent You in godliness and truth. Draw Your people from every corner of the earth unto You! Thank You for giving us a mind to pray. Thank You for the prayer of agreement. Thank You for Your Word that became flesh. Thank You for being the God that works in the impossible. Thank You for being Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient. Thank You for being the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star. Thank You for being Alpha and Omega, Thank You for being our God and our Father!
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Last Updated: April 8, 2020 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Hear My Prayer
Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged [relieved] me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer – Psalm 4:1.
As we approach You, God, we pray if there are any sins we may have committed against You, Your people or ourselves, we ask that You would show us our sins, forgive us of our sins, and deliver us from our sins. You are the God that we can confess our sins to, and Your Word has promised, If we confess our sins, He faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness according to Your word 1st John 1:9. Thank You for forgiving us of our confessed sins! Thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You for Your compassion, and protection.
Our desire is to please You, give us the heart to worship You in spirit and in truth. Give us a heart that we would hide the Word of God in our hearts so that we would not sin against You. Give us a heart that we would hunger and thirst after righteousness. Give us a heart that we would have the heart of God, and the mind of Jesus Christ. Give us a heart that we would be rooted and grounded in You and Your Word. Give us a heart so that we would be full of faith in You and Your Word. Give us a heart that we would love You, and love Your people as You love them unconditionally.
Bless our neighbors, supply their needs according to Your riches and glory in Christ Jesus. Heal blinded eyes naturally and spiritually. Open death ears, naturally and spiritually. Blessed the homeless, opened doors they can go in for shelter. Blessed those who are in need of employment, open doors that no man can shut. Let Your peace abide in those who have lost loved ones, quiet their minds, hearts, and spirit, help them to rest in You.
Help us to allow You to be our avenger and not take matters into our own hands. Give us the heart to wait on You, and allow Your glory to be manifested in our circumstances and situations. Give a visitation to those who are hospitalized, mental institutions, prison, jails, and nursing homes. Protect, Father the elderly, babies and little children. Help those who desire to have an encounter with You, manifest Yourself to them in such a way, they will know they have had an encounter with You.
Bless every marriage You have ordained, remove what needs to be destroyed, and make the marriages be what You ordained marriages to be, what You desire them to be. Hide us and our loved ones from stray bullets, people and things that would harm us. Help the children to be obedient to their parents, help them to excel academically. Help us to be good parents, give us the wisdom and knowledge we need to train our children.
Visit those that are incarnated, bring justice by You and not by man, free those who have been incarnated and are innocent, return to them what was taken. Have mercy and help women in foreign countries that are being mistreated and brutalized. Protect the women and children from abusers. Protect those who have to stand in the dark to go to their places of employment. Direct those who don’t know which way to go. Bless those who have nothing, take their nothing and make something, give them the miracle they need.
Bless the men and women of God that are professing to be ministers to represent You in godliness and truth. Draw Your people from every corner of the earth unto You! Thank You for giving us a mind to pray. Thank You for the prayer of agreement. Thank You for Your Word that became flesh. Thank You for being the God that works in the impossible. Thank You for being Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient. Thank You for being the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star. Thank You for being Alpha and Omega, Thank You for being our God and our Father!
Category: Prayer Tags: hear, our, prayer
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