Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand – Revelation 1:3.
Prophecy is the communication of a divine message through a human messenger. Prophecy is not for the unbeliever, but for those who believe in God and His Word. The Bible is prophecy, it’s the written Word of God that informs the believer of the past, present, and future acts of God.
God uses human messengers to instruct, correct and direct the believer to live a prosperous life naturally and spiritually. The men and women, God uses to convey a message to His people aren’t about materialism. Every prophet of God in the Old and New Testament came bringing a message of corrections, instructions, and directions.
God will speak through a human messenger to give comfort, assurance, peace, and faith to His people. Prophecy is one of the gifts of the Spirit. Seldom do we experience the gifts of the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, gift of the faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues.
These are gifts God has given to His people to edify the body of Christ and show His power to the non-believer. Where is the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit the believer should be manifesting? We as the church, the body of Christ should be manifesting the Fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit; in order for these Gifts to come into manifestation in our lives, we must be submitted completely to God and His Word. We are the representatives of God here on earth.
Satan has prophets and he sends them to prophecy lies, sadly to say, people rather hear a lie than the truth. People don’t want to hear the instructions of God to live a godly life, they want pleasure, riches, and fame and this is what the lying prophet will give them.
The closer to Jesus’ return the more God’s people are rejecting His instructions and His messengers, just as they did in Biblical times. True prophets and men and women of God are concerned about your spiritual well-being because they know there is a hell and heaven; they are trying to keep you from going to hell they are only telling you what God is saying; instructions for His people to live by.
The gifts and calling of God are of no repentance, meaning, the gifts He gave each person at birth He will not take the gift from them although they reject God and His instructions. God has given everyone spiritual gifts, whether they use them for God’s glory and bless the people of God is their choice.
False teachers are teaching spiritual gifts were only with the Apostles which is contradictory to the Word of God (And he gave some, apostles; some prophets; and some evangelists, and some pastors and teacher; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ – Ephesians 4:11-12).
People are giving themselves the title and the manifestation of the position is not present. When God gives a title as the person submits themselves to God, the title will be in manifestation to glorify God and to be a blessing to the body of Christ.
Read and study the Bible; it is nourishment for your soul, and your soul and spirit need to be fed just like your physical body needs nourishment. The majority of professing Christians’ spirits are malnourished because of the lack of feeding their spirit.
God never changes neither does His Word, seek God to understand the gift He has given you, then walk in that gift to glorify God and to be a blessing to God’s people!
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Last Updated: May 18, 2022 by Evangelist Carolyn Luke
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand – Revelation 1:3.
Prophecy is the communication of a divine message through a human messenger. Prophecy is not for the unbeliever, but for those who believe in God and His Word. The Bible is prophecy, it’s the written Word of God that informs the believer of the past, present, and future acts of God.
God uses human messengers to instruct, correct and direct the believer to live a prosperous life naturally and spiritually. The men and women, God uses to convey a message to His people aren’t about materialism. Every prophet of God in the Old and New Testament came bringing a message of corrections, instructions, and directions.
God will speak through a human messenger to give comfort, assurance, peace, and faith to His people. Prophecy is one of the gifts of the Spirit. Seldom do we experience the gifts of the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, gift of the faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues.
These are gifts God has given to His people to edify the body of Christ and show His power to the non-believer. Where is the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit the believer should be manifesting? We as the church, the body of Christ should be manifesting the Fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit; in order for these Gifts to come into manifestation in our lives, we must be submitted completely to God and His Word. We are the representatives of God here on earth.
Satan has prophets and he sends them to prophecy lies, sadly to say, people rather hear a lie than the truth. People don’t want to hear the instructions of God to live a godly life, they want pleasure, riches, and fame and this is what the lying prophet will give them.
The closer to Jesus’ return the more God’s people are rejecting His instructions and His messengers, just as they did in Biblical times. True prophets and men and women of God are concerned about your spiritual well-being because they know there is a hell and heaven; they are trying to keep you from going to hell they are only telling you what God is saying; instructions for His people to live by.
The gifts and calling of God are of no repentance, meaning, the gifts He gave each person at birth He will not take the gift from them although they reject God and His instructions. God has given everyone spiritual gifts, whether they use them for God’s glory and bless the people of God is their choice.
False teachers are teaching spiritual gifts were only with the Apostles which is contradictory to the Word of God (And he gave some, apostles; some prophets; and some evangelists, and some pastors and teacher; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ – Ephesians 4:11-12).
People are giving themselves the title and the manifestation of the position is not present. When God gives a title as the person submits themselves to God, the title will be in manifestation to glorify God and to be a blessing to the body of Christ.
Read and study the Bible; it is nourishment for your soul, and your soul and spirit need to be fed just like your physical body needs nourishment. The majority of professing Christians’ spirits are malnourished because of the lack of feeding their spirit.
God never changes neither does His Word, seek God to understand the gift He has given you, then walk in that gift to glorify God and to be a blessing to God’s people!
Category: Word of the Day Tags: assurance, bible, blessed, body, Christ, church, comfort, communication, completely, convey, correct, corrections, direct, directions, discerning, divers, divine, earth, edify, experience, faith, fruit, future, Gifts, God, hand, Healing, hear, human, inform, instruct, Instructions, keep, kind, knowledge, life, lives, manifesation, materalism, men, message, messenger, miracles, naturally, past, peace, people, power, present, prophecy, prophet, prosper, read, representative, seldom, speak, spirit, spiritually, submitted, therein, things, time, tongues, unbeliever, uses, which, wisdom, women, Word, working, written
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